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June 19-20, 2017 Philadelphia, USA
International Conference on
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
Volume 8, Issue 4 (Suppl)
J Clin Exp Dermatol Res, an open access journal
Dermatology 2017
June 19-20, 2017
Premature greying of hair and role of oiling in Indian perspective
B B Mahajan, Raman Mahajan
Richa Nagpal
Government Medical College, Amritsar, India
remature greying is the term used when hair turns grey prematurely. Though greying of hair is a natural process, yet in
the modern era of cosmetological revolution, it has assumed a lot of aesthetic relevance, especially premature hair greying.
Black, thick and shiny hair is not only sign of youthfulness and good health, but is also cosmetically appealing. Caucasian
people will begin to gray in their mid-thirties, African-American people can retain their original hair color until their mid-
forties, Asian people begin graying in their late thirties, whereas, as compared to South Indian population, North Indians begin
to grey in their early thirties. Countless products are flooding the market everyday like, hair oils, shampoos, conditioners, gels
and hair dyes which claim to slow/revert premature hair greying, but all these provide only temporary relief, if any. Before
understanding the greying on hair, its etiopathogenesis is very important. There are various known causes of premature hair
greying like excessive prolonged stress, thyroid deficiencies, excessive intake of tea, coffee and alcohol, fried foods, spices,
sour and acidic foods, deficiency of nutrients, especially, copper reduces melanin production, deficiency of B
& biotin and
hereditary causes. Common hair oils used in India include Coconut oil, Amla oil (Indian Gooseberry), Mustard oil, Olive oil,
Almond oil and Mineral oils, out of which Coconut oil is the most commonly used one. Coconut oil massage not only improves
the blood circulation of the scalp but also gradually restores hair color & prevents further greying of hair, and thus, delays the
greying process and strengthens the hair and promotes growth. Coconut oil additionally, has soothing and cooling properties.
Coconut oil is owing to its low molecular weight and high affinity for hair proteins, having the capacity to penetrate the cuticle
and displacing the air which has replaced the melanin. It may have a role in not only delaying the premature greying of hair,
but also giving cosmetic acceptability to the hair by making them appear less grey.
B B Mahajan is a Professor at the Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology at Government Medical College, Amritsar. He is the fFounder of Nail
Society of India. He is also the Vice President of IADVL since 2016. He was the Organizing Secretary of Dermazone 2001, Cuticon 2006 (Asr), Cuticon 2012 (Fdk)
and VII MCV (Asr). His area of interest includes Psoriasis, Vitiligo, STDs, Nail Disorders, etc.
drbbmahajan2000@yahoo.comB B Mahajan et al., J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 2017, 8:4 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2155-9554-C1-059