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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Suppl)
Dent Implants Dentures, an open access journal
ISSN: 2572-4835
Dental Medicine 2017
October 16-18, 2017
October 16-18, 2017 New York, USA
Annual World Congress on
Dental Medicine & Dentistry
Bone-Borne versus Tooth-Borne Rapid Palatal Expansion (RPE) Treatment in Mixed Dentition
Sondus Ahmad Al-Kadri
Faculty of Dental Medicine of Porto University
Bone-anchored maxillary expanders have been invented in order to provide extreme Pure skeletal expansion. There
are studies that address the clinical effectiveness and outcomes of bone-borne maxillary expansion, but they were done mostly on
adult subjects with surgical assistance.
The main aim of this paper is to review publications that studied the effectiveness of bone-borne maxillary expansion
compared with tooth-borne maxillary expansion in mixed dentition subjects.
Search Strategy:
A literature review using relevant articles dated from 2006 to June 2016 on PubMed and B-on databases was
conducted. Relevant data were extracted, grouped and analyzed concerning three areas of research: the skeletal vs. dental expansion,
side effects, and long-term stability of Tooth-borne maxillary expander (TBME), and Bone-borne maxillary expander (BBME). 16
articles were selected: 11studies addressed TBME; one study was a comparison between TBME and BBME, while the remaining 4
studies addressed BBME.
The outcome of the literature review showed that the percentage of skeletal expansion and dental expansion varied
between TBME and BBME. Moreover, it also varied within TBME itself in different studies. Inter-coronal widths of maxillary
permanent molars and first premolars in TBME were significantly greater than their counterparts in BBME. Generally, TBME
showed a reduction in alveolar bone thickness on the buccal aspect of the banded teeth. Buccal tipping measured in TBME studies
was small or high reaching up to 19 degrees, whereas in BBME group it was clinically trivial. Six months retention period is essential
for recovery and long-term stability.
Current available reviewed studies and clinical trials led to different inconsistent conclusions regarding the claim of the
superiority and effectiveness of bone-borne versus tooth- borne maxillary expansion on mixed dentition patients. They were mostly
done on adolescents or adults with surgical assistance. Although theoretically and logically this claim may seem valid, no evidence-
based conclusion could be made since they were not done on patients below the age of twelve. Thus, future investigations on mixed
dentition patients are highly recommended.
Sondus Al-Kadri, Syrian dentist has a Bachelor Degree in Dental Medicine from International University of Science and Technology, Damascus 2011. Practiced General
Dentistry for two years in Saudi Arabia 2012-2013. Certified as a Clinical Orthodontic Assistant from International Training Institute (ITI), and worked as an orthodontic
assistant in one of the prestigious Orthodontic clinics in “Kharsa Orhto-dent clinics” 2014. Got a full Master scholarship from Global Platform for Syrian Student, Portugal
from 2015 - until now. Trained in Orthodontics Department at Malo clinics in Lisbon, 2015. Has a Master Degree in Dental Medicine from Faculty of Dental Medicine of Porto
University, 2016. Now, she is pursuing her Master Degree in Orthodontics in University Institute of Health Sciences, (CESPU), Portugal.
Dr.Sondus-a-kadri@hotmail.comSondus Ahmad Al-Kadri, Dent Implants Dentures 2017, 2:2 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2572-4835-C1-002