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Volume 8
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
Dementia Congress 2018
September 17-18, 2018
September 17-18, 2018 Singapore
World Congress on
Advances and Innovations in Dementia
Lina Maria Lopez Roa et al., J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0460-C5-048
Cardiovascular risk and mild cognitive impairment for Alzheimer’s disease
Lina Maria Lopez Roa
, Giancarlos Conde
, Beatriz Miranda
and Yasmina Garcia
University of Cauca, Colombia
Universidad del Sinú, Colombia
University of Sucre, Colombia
Fundación Apoyo Alzheimer, Colombia
Background & Aim:
The old individuals represent the fastest growing population today higher age is a risk factor for
Alzheimer’s disease. However exist limited information about clinical markers and biomarkers for the risk to Alzheimer´s
disease. The main objective of this study is to identify cardiovascular risk associated with Mild Cognitive Impartment (MCI)
to Alzheimer’s disease.
The study included a total of 202 participants. The study logistics complied with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Cardiovascular risk for this study was defined as the probability of developing a cardiovascular disease within a defined period
of time, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, overweight/obesity, tobacco use, lack of physical activity and diabetes and
the risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) to Alzheimer’s disease was evaluate with The Montreal Cognitive Assessment
(MoCA). To determine the association between the study variables and the risk of MCI, a binary logistic regression was used
for statistical analyses. All p values <0.05 were regarded as statistically significant.
The general characteristic of the study was 202 participants of which 47.6% was women; mean age of 72±8.5 years,
97 participants with MCI risk. In general, we found a relationship tendency that exposes an increased risk of mild cognitive
impairment in the elderly for overweight, lack of fruit consumption and diabetes, however these relationships were not
statistically significant except for hypertension (OR: 1.42, p=0.03); while physical activity may reduce MCI risk (OR: 6.3;
p=0.02), and low fat intake was a protective factor for the risk of mild cognitive impairment (OR: 0.331; P=0.04).
Physical activity and good eating habits decrease the risk of mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer’s disease
in the elderly.
Lina Maria Lopez Roa is pursuing PhD in Biomedical Research Methodology and Public Health. He is the Professor at the Cauca University, Department of Family
Medicine, attached to the research group human body movement and quality of life.