Volume 8
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
Page 24
September 17-18, 2018 Singapore
World Congress on
Advances and Innovations in Dementia
Dementia Congress 2018
September 17-18, 2018
Adopting laughter therapy to get dosage of happy hormones while having dementia: Helping to remove
stress/depression and anxiety caused by a family member having Dementia
Statement of the Problem:
There is a lack of awareness about what happy hormones are and what can be done to get them.
People tend to feel unhappy for multiple reasons and a family member having Dementia adds on Stress levels of not only the
patient but the caregivers as well. Having dementia leads to a person feeling depressed and anxious in some cases.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:
Dosage of happy hormones will not only make the patient feel happy but it will
also have a positive impact on the recovery of the patient. Adopting Laughter therapy and getting harmones which makes one
feel good will help many to recover from Dementia and depression & anxiety caused by it. . Studies have shown that a healthy
lifestyle can reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and certain types of dementia.
One needs to work on his/her energies using LaughterTherapy which is a positive approach for not having Depression
& Anxiety related to Dementia. The therapy can be used as a Holistic way to recovery.
Conclusion & Significance:
The Laughter therapy which includes ways to get the dosage of happy harmones promotes
overcoming Depression & Anxiety caused by Dementia is a fun way to manage stress related to it. Repeated sessions to be
conducted to remind patients that life while having Dementia or during the recovery should go beyond just seeking medical and
counselling help and also include rebuilding Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Relational and Mental health. The model has been
put together from for testing in many settings including hospitals ,elderly homes and senior citizen centers. This is not a research
book or paper. It is just an effort to demystify the help available for Depression & Anxiety caused by Dementia. It is an attempt to
motivate and encourage people to seek help and take a simple approach to remember and work on all aspects of their recovery.
Suchi is an experienced International Pre School Principal/Manager who learnt laughter exercises from many coaches around the world. She then designed
Laughter Therapy which is being used in many places such as hospitals and senior activity centers. She provides individual and group therapy in educational and
home settings. She is a Former Manager/Trainer, now engages in building social awareness about depression and anxiety caused by dementia and the harm it
brings to people, families and communities. She has been awarded by MINDS and various community clubs in recognition of her social work.
Happiness Strategist and Laughter Coach, Singapore
Suchi, J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0460-C5-048