Page 38
Volume 8
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
Dementia Congress 2018
September 17-18, 2018
September 17-18, 2018 Singapore
World Congress on
Advances and Innovations in Dementia
J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0460-C5-049
The effect of person-centred dementia care in a daycare setting: Pilot study
Saadiya Hurzuk
National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, India
Introduction & Aim:
Dementia is a source of immense caregiver stress and exhausts social, financial, physical and emotional
resources over time. Person-centered care is a holistic approach which includes a broad range of individual and group activities
and counseling of caregivers in a friendly, empathetic environment is considered to be a useful method of managing patients
and families with dementia. In this study we aimed to study the efficacy of person-centered dementia care on behavioral
problems and Quality of Life of the patients. We also aimed to study the effect of person-centered dementia care on burden,
stress, depression and anxiety of the primary caregivers.
10 persons with dementia and their respective family caregivers who received person-centered care in ARDSI
Hyderabad Deccan activity centre were compared with a control group of dementia patients. Behavioral problems in patients
were studied using Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and Quality of Life was measured using Quality of Life for Alzheimer-
Dementia Scale (QOL-AD). Carer burden was evaluated using the short Zarit Burden Inventory (ZBI) and carer depression,
anxiety and stress were measured with the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21). Two groups of patients were
matched on disease severity and efficacy of person centered care was compared between the two groups.
Patients who were given person-centered dementia care in the activity center found to have more score on Quality Of
Life-Alzheimer’s Dementia Scale and less symptoms on NPI compared to those who did not attend. Caregivers of patients who
attend activity center showed significantly lower levels of burden, depression, anxiety and stress.
Person-centered dementia care in activity center has a positive effect on quality of life of patients with dementia
and successful carer interventions helps in reducing the burden, depression, anxiety and stress levels of the caregiver.