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Volume 8
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
Dementia Congress 2018
September 17-18, 2018
September 17-18, 2018 Singapore
World Congress on
Advances and Innovations in Dementia
Natalia Mikhaylichenco, J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0460-C5-049
Effect of ETAS in pre-dementia cognitive disorder in young age
Natalia Mikhaylichenco
Nevron International Medical Center, Russia
Background & Aims:
Young Onset Dementia (YOD) is the term used to define the cognitive disorder in the persons under
65. YOD is grown with age. In the age of 30-44, 1 of 1,500 suffers from dementia, in the age of 45-64, 1 of 750. Clinical signs at
YOD are more variable than at Old Onset Dementia (OOD). These are depression, apathy, anxiety, sleep disorder. They are not
associated with cognitive deficit. Assessment at YOD differs fromOOD and includes collection of information of the patient and
his family, neurological status, the more wide range of cognitive disorder assessment and neuroimaging. The aim is to research
effect of ETAS on the major non-cognitive disorder in young patients with early dementia.
12 patients (6 men and 6 women) of 44-62 with early dementia were assessed. The patients were divided in three
groups according to the leading symptom: (1) 4 persons (33.3%) with depression and apathy, (2) 4 persons (33.3%) with asthenia
anxious disorder and (3) 4 persons (33.3%) with expressed sleep disorder. Neurological status was assessed, neuropsychological
testing, MRI (brain, cerebral and neck vessels) were performed before and after treatment. All patients received ETAS (1,000 mg
per a day, in the evening) for 12 weeks.
Results & Conclusion:
According to the study results the best response to the therapy was shown by the sleep disorder and
anxiety group (72%), the major symptoms were reversed, the cognitive functions were improved. It means that at affectivity
reduced (mood is normalized) cognitive facilities are increased. The less effect was shown by the patients with depression (40%),
maybe, the more long treatment is required. ETAS is recommended at early dementia for timely correction of non-cognitive
disorder as a medication improving higher cortical functions, emotional sphere, personal psychological constitution and
neurophysiological measures in the whole.
Natalia Mikhaylichenco has completed Neurology Clinical Residency at Vladivostok State Medical University from 1985-1987 and Vladivostok State Medical
University (1979-1985), having work experience in Psychiatry and Neurology Department at Pacific State Medical University. She is the Director of Nevron
International Medical Center, since 1997, Director of Vladivostok Child Hospital (1993-1997) and Neurologist, Head of Neurology Department and Vladivostok
Child Hospital (1987-1993).