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Volume 8

Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism

ISSN: 2161-0460

Dementia 2018

October 29-31, 2018

October 29-31, 2018 | Valencia, Spain



International Conference on

Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia

From thalamus to cortex: Exploring the EEG cortical rhythms in dementia with Lewy bodies

Laura Bonanni

University of Chieti, Italy


rowing evidences suggest that the thalamus acts as a brain activity pacemaker, regulating the information transmitted to

the cortical areas. Particularly, thalamus plays a central role in altering and maintaining arousal. Anatomically its nuclei are

topographically organized to modulate and synchronize distributed cortical networks supporting large scale cerebral dynamics

related to goal directed behaviors and awareness. On this basis, it was suggested that phenomenal consciousness is generated

by synchronized neural activity in thalamic neurons and that thalamic activity is driven by information arising from the

cortical computation. Furthermore, the thalamus is critically involved in the modulation of visual transmission to the cortex

and also to different cortical areas. It modulates visual attention based on its widespread connectivity with the visual cortex

and the fronto-parietal attention network. Abnormal functional connectivity and micro-structural damage within thalami

have been reported in dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). DLB patients present specific symptoms characterized by clouding

of consciousness (fluctuating cognition), sleep disturbances (mind-body dissociation) and visual hallucinations (within-mind

dissociation), which have all been demonstrated to be associated with abnormalities of thalamic nuclei or thalamo-cortical

connectivity of dysfunctions of thalamo-cortical connections in the genesis of DLB clinical features. A relevant role might be

played by the thalamus in the physiopathology of core symptoms in DLB. Particularly thalamic cholinergic alterations could be

related to fluctuating cognition (FC) and microstructural damage of pulvinar region could be linked to visual hallucinations.

J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2161-0460-C7-055