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Volume 9

Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change

Climate Congress 2018

August 06-07, 2018

August 06-07, 2018 Osaka, Japan



World Congress on

Climate Change and Global Warming

J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume 9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C3-046

Climate change adaptation: Education to action!

Parshuram Sharma Niraula

Centre for Environment Education Nepal, Nepal


he only choice left for Nepal to combat climate change is to increase the capacity of the people to adapt to the changed

situation and to increase their resilience. The Centre for Environment Education Nepal (CEEN), with funding from

Helvetas Nepal, launched a four-year project in selected 13 rural schools and communities of mid-eastern hills. The project

aimed at educating students to take active roles in improving the adaptive capacity of the community and act on climate change

awareness and adaptation and sensitizing local farmers at risk to become aware of climate risks and opportunities, plan and

adopt measures to increase their adaptive capacity against climate vulnerability and hazards. The students were expected to

become keen observers of local problems and issues, analyzers of situations and risks; designers and implementers of projects;

participants in community decision-making and development; communicators of risks, their causes and management options;

mobilisers of resources and people; constructors of social networks. The teachers from these selected schools were trained to

encourage the students to investigate and explore the past environmental condition with that of the present, thereby enabling

them to perceive the possible future trends on rainfall patterns, water sources, flowering time, sowing and harvesting time,

appearance and disappearance of birds, plants, flowers, along with incidents of different hazards like hailstorms, floods,

landslides, epidemics, etc. with children asking their parents, grandparents and elder members in the community about changes

taken place over the last 30-40 years. In the meantime, the selected community members (normally members of Community

Learning Centers and Community Awareness Centers (CLC/CAC) and other existing institutions) from the school vicinity

were selected for sensitization and adaptation planning. Effort was made to select the farmers who were the members of these

grass root institutions who also had their children at the local school.