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Volume 9

Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change

Climate Congress 2018

August 06-07, 2018

August 06-07, 2018 Osaka, Japan



World Congress on

Climate Change and Global Warming

Asystem for safe, sustainable and eco-friendly waste water treatment to create soil, grass and water (EWT)

Joy Manglani

Only Nature Endures, India


uman activity has had a negative impact on the environment because it has caused deforestation, ocean acidification and

the extinction of important biodiversity. Current sanitation methods convert pollution to disaster; they lead to major

problems faced by society today, such as water pollution, water scarcity, loss of soil fertility, global warming, poor economy,

poor health and loss of life. These methods decompose (break-up) valuable organic elements, found in the so called waste, into

foul gases and acids, even now. The gases badly pollute the air and acids badly pollute the land and sub soil water. Based on

intensive field research, field experiments and application of fundamental science, a system for treatment, using waste water,

unutilized solar energy, building debris as resources to produce soil with vegetation (say grass) and clean water. Community

waste water includes sullage, kitchen sink food waste pulverized waste water, wash water, bath water, sewage, polluted rivers,

lakes and sea, etc. It is about 99% water and 1% organic matter primarily made up of natural elements such as carbon, oxygen,

hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and other trace elements found in all healthy biology, these are nutrients and in EWT are converted

to healthy vegetation such as grass. Clean highly aerated water is filtered out, wherein there is no odor, no mosquitoes, no

color. The system is occupationally safe and eco-friendly. EWT helps recycling of material and energy enhancement of

environment, energy conservation, enhancement of air, soil, water, plants and animals feeding on these plants, bio-energy

generation, reduction in global warming and climate change, development of havens for wildlife including flora and fauna,

enhanced quantity, quality and distribution of rainfall, enhanced dissolved oxygen in water, watershed development, enhanced

aquaculture and fisheries development, flood control. EWT is at least 10 times economical, efficient, safer, sustainable and

ecological compared to alternatives.

J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volume 9

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C3-046