Volume 8, Issue 10 (Suppl)
J Earth Sci Clim Change, an open access
ISSN: 2157-7617
Climate Change 2017
October 19-21, 2017
Page 47
October 19-21, 2017 | Rome, Italy
World Conference on
Inga Carlman, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2017, 8:10(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-035
To navigate within environmental limits for the benefit of future generations
he negative effects of a changing climate have become increasingly evident along with the more detailed facts due to
ongoing research. In spite of a number of societal steering tools (information, economic and legal) mankind seems to a
great deal at loss on how to tackle the problems so as to get substantial results. Vital parts embraced in this problem-picture are
e.g. a) the competing paradigms and underlying theoretical assumptions b) the credibility and accuracy of different models
and method, c) how to communicate the severeness of the problem to politicians, authorities, industry and the public at large,
d) to adapt social steering-tools so as to e.g. make the importance of environmental quality standards understandable and
hence change human conduct (Figure 1). This paper analyses a number of models (both natural scientific and social scientific
ones) and discusses their benefits and shortcomings. It furthermore brings up a) the role of public administrators to meet
modern demands to take responsibility for future generations, and b) principles industry/business apply to stall proposed
suggestions to tackle climate change. Finally the paper proposes a number of suggestions on how to minimize barriers and to
“level the path” for the generations to come.
Inga Carlman has worked both as a consultant and as a university lecturer and researcher. She has her expertise in implementing environmental goals, mostly within
the fields of renewable energy sources, Environmental Impact Assessment, Public Participation and Environmental Quality standards. Lately her interests has moved
toward models/systems in relation to steering instruments. Her work with the nuclear waste problem has given her a deep insights in stakeholders’ perspective, long time
problems, and law.
Inga Carlman
Mid Sweden University, Sweden