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Climate Change 2016
October 27-29, 2016
Volume 7, Issue 9(Suppl)
J Earth Sci Clim Change
ISSN: 2157-7617 JESCC, an open access journal
October 24-26, 2016 Valencia, Spain
World Conference on
Climate Change
Evapotranspiration over Mediterranean coastal grassland- bridging the gap between satellite and
experimental data
Trepekli Aikaterini and S Rapsomanikis
Democritus University of Thrace, Greece
ecreasing precipitation, major increases in temperature extremes and wind intensity across Mediterranean region may
lead to periods of abnormally dry weather, long enough to cause hydrological imbalances. Besides precipitation deficit,
droughts can be stimulated by increased evapotranspiration (ET). In this study an energy balance algorithm (SEBS; Su, 2002)
is assessed to predict ET and atmospheric turbulent fluxes using annual remote sensing data and standard meteorological
information over a typical Mediterranean coastal grassland, susceptible to desertification. The model based estimates are
compared with the independently tower-based flux observations using the eddy covariance method, cross checked with
the variance method. The temporal-scale structure of ET is analyzed and the corresponding drivers are quantified using in
situ measurements. Examination of the relationships among temporal patterns of meteorological variations and ET, and
identification of significant events affecting the stationarity of the signal due to sea vicinity, are accomplished through wavelet
analysis method. ET signals exhibit the strongest power in the band of 16-34 days at spring thaw and during the months where
available energy, vapor pressure deficit, air temperature, are all maximized, reflecting the high water requirement for potential
evapotranspiration. Temperature fluctuations are frequently highly positive correlated and in coherence with water vapor
content but when ET reaches annual maxima values, they develop significant local variations and anti-phase relationship,
plausibly attributed to advection. Regarding the non linear drought impacts to the physical environment, precise description
of land–atmosphere interactions related to ET will advance our understanding about the water budgets over vulnerable type
Trepekli Aikaterini is a PhD Student with scientific topic: “Energy and GHG Fluxes in Urban and Rural Environments”. She has two Masters’ of Science degrees
in Hydraulic and Structural Engineering, and a five-year undergraduate degree in Civil Engineering, with a thesis related to drought indicators at regional scale
based on water balance. Projects describing the current work: “Vertical Energy and Momentum Fluxes in the Centre of Athens, Greece During a Heatwave Period’’,
“Energy flux parametrization as an opportunity to get Urban Heat Island insights: The case of Athens, Greece’’, “Seasonal CO2, CH4 and Evapotranspiration of a
Mediterranean Coastal Grassland”.
atrepekl@civil.duth.grTrepekli Aikaterini et al., J Earth Sci Clim Change 2016, 7:9(Suppl)