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Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change | ISSN: 2157-7617 | Climate 2018 | Volume: 9
World Conference on
May 23-24, 2018 | New York, USA
Climate Change and Global Warming
Water quality in Lake Soyang watershed affected by sediment runoff from a highland agricultural
Jae Heon Cho
Catholic Kwandong University, South Korea
n the wet season, a large amount of suspended sediments (SS) are discharged into Lake Soyang because of sediment erosion
from highland fields. Important multiregional water sources are located in the lower Han River and the suspended sediments
of the Lake Soyang affect the water quality of the water supply. This rainfall-runoff survey was conducted three times at each
of the survey points. In the case of the Jaun area of Hongcheon-gun, the Jungjohangcheon, and Johangcheon, the upper part
of the Jaun area is identified as a dense area of highland fields. The rainfall-runoff characteristics and the first flushing in the
Jaun area were analyzed using the pollutograph and the mass-volume curve. From the Ministry of Environment’s water quality
measuring network, the changes on SS, BOD and TN concentration in the Soyang River watershed were analyzed with the
yearly rainfall depth. Between 2012 and 2015, due to a low amount of rainfall, the three point’s SS and TP concentration was
low. It appears that the reason for the low TP concentration was due to a light precipitation during the year, resulting in low
amount of nutrient runoff from the highland fields. Otherwise, the BOD (the index of the organic material) concentration was
high because of the reduction of the stream flow on 2012, 2014 and 2015 when the rainfall depth was small. SS, BOD and TP
from Soyang River, Naerincheon, Inbukcheon appears to be influenced by rainfall depth.
Jae Heon Cho is a Professor of Department of Biosystems and Convergence Engineering at the Catholic Kwandong University, South Korea. His main research
area is water quality management and modeling. His representative published articles are: Watershed model calibration framework developed using an influence
coefficient algorithm and a genetic algorithm and analysis of pollutant discharge characteristics and load reduction in a TMDL planning area (
Journal of Environ-
mental Management
2015, 163, 2-10), A river water quality management model for optimizing regional wastewater treatment cost using a genetic algorithm (
of Environmental Management
, 2004, 73, 229–242). Heon Cho, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volulme: 9
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-040