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Volume 8

Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy

ISSN: 2165-7904

Childhood Obesity 2018

March 15-16, 2018

March 15-16, 2018 | Barcelona, Spain



International Conference on

Childhood Obesity and Nutrition

Evaluation of the obesity contributing factors in first grade elementary school students from Sari,

North of Iran

Melody Omraninava


, Afsaneh Fendereski


, Amin Darrudi


, Faeze Zabihi


, Niloufar Feizi



Sajede Ghoroghi



Islamic Azad University, Iran


Tarbiat Modares University, Iran


besity in children has raised the worries about public health and hygiene. In this study, we intended to evaluate the

obesity rate among the children first grade elementary schools throughout the Sari, north of Iran. Moreover, we evaluated

the possible effects of mother’s life conditions on the estimation of obesity in children. In this descriptive cross sectional

study, the study population included first grade elementary school students in Sari. Sampling was carried out through multi-

stage and stratified randomization at level of the target students. Using stadiometer and digital scales, the height and weight

were measured. Body mass index (BMI) was also calculated. A questionnaire about feeding habits and socio-economic status

of parents was employed. Data collection was conducted using phone interview with parents as well as the questionnaire’s

records. Analysis of data was conducted in SPSS v.22 using suitably statistical tests. IBM SPSS Amos software was utilized

for path analysis. A P<0.05 was considered as statistically significant. It was observed that 15% of the evaluated cases were

obese. There was association between BMI of the obese cases and lifestyle-related habits. Path analysis revealed significant

impression of patent’s habit on the obesity of children. Our results suggest that the overall prevalence of obesity in Sari was

high, which proposes the nasality for serious consideration in the health system, and designing, developing, and implementing

of preventive approaches with regard to childhood obesity.


Melody Omraninava has completed her General Practice at Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences and Infectious Disease Specialization at Shahid Beheshti

University School of Medicine. She is Educational Manager of Faculty of Medical Sciences at Islamic Azad University-Sari Branch. She has published nine papers

in reputed journals.

Melody Omraninava et al., J Obes Weight Loss Ther 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7904-C1-058