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Volume 9, Issue 5 (Suppl)

J Cancer Sci Ther, an open access journal

ISSN: 1948-5956

Cancer Stem Cells and Oncology Research 2017

June 26-28, 2017

Page 54



International Conference on

June 26-28, 2017 London, UK



The expression of the classical stem cell markers in pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line

Hussain R Al-Turaifi

1, 2


James Shaw



Newcastle University, UK


King Fahad Hospital, Saudi Arabia


ancreatic cancer has been the third leading cause of cancer-related death in USA. Most of the cancer patients get diagnosed in late

stage and this minimizes the effectiveness of surgical intervention to less than 20 percentage. Moreover, chemo-radio therapy is

not curative thus the survival rate of patients with pancreatic cancer after 5-years was 7%. In USA, 53,070 new cases were estimated

diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2016, while 41,780 patients was the estimated death from pancreatic cancers. Similar percentage

was reported globally, estimated by World Health Organization in 2012 [23]. Presence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) within pancreatic

tumor was reported by several groups using unspecific biomarkers. Pluripotent transcription factors such as OCT4, SOX2 and

NANOG, that upregulated in embryonic stem cells in contrast to somatic cells, were detected in various types of cancer tumors from

adult patients. The aims of this study was to investigate the expression of the classical stem cell markers in pancreatic adenocarcinoma

cell line (PANC1). PANC1 cells were characterized by RT-PCR/immuno-staining. Transient over-expression of stem cell promoter-

driven reporter plasmid Oct4-eGFP was undertaken using Lipofectamine 2000 transfection reagent. Several embryonic stem cell

markers and other cancer related markers were detected which illustrate the nature of pancreatic cancer.


Hussain R Al-Turaifi obtained his PhD from North East England Stem Cell Institute, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University UK and is focusing on

Translation Medical Research through enrolling in Translational Medicine Program at The University of Edinburgh, College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine,

School of Biomedical Sciences Edinburgh. As Head of Referral Laboratory, Head of Blood Bank Donation Testing Center and Consultant of Molecular Pathology

and Clinical Biochemistry he concentrates on diagnostic clinical laboratory at King Fahad Hofuf Hospital, KSA. He worked in academic field as a faculty of

Biomedical School, Newcastle University and in the Department of Medical Biochemistry, College of Medicine, Dammam University, KSA.

Hussain R Al-Turaifi et al., J Cancer Sci Ther 2017, 9:5(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/1948-5956-C1-102