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Journal of Gastrointestinal & Digestive System | ISSN: 2161-069X | Volume: 8



October 29-30, 2018 | San Francisco, USA

International Conference on

Gastrointestinal Cancer and Therapeutics



World Congress on

Digestive & Metabolic Diseases



Annual Congress on

Cancer Science and Targeted Therapies

The face of the Beast

Julie Chessell

St Marys, Canada


n an instant life can change. In a moment, a family can be shattered and what they thought was their norm becomes their

most challenging experience. It can either tear families apart or bring them closer. You become a victim or a survivor.

Pediatric Gastrointestinal Cancer, or more specifically Hepatoblastoma, is a diagnosis typically found in 0-4 years of age, not

in an eleven year old. How do parents view this devastating news? A dream is shattered, and how you handle this frightening

information can impact not only your patient, the extended family and but most certainly parental mental capacity. Choosing

to succumb is not an option. Selecting to change your mindset for the positive can have a profound impact on treatment and

overall outcome. No one care plan is the same. No one is exempt, whether you are in the healthcare arena or not. It takes a

village of people to have a hand in allowing a child not to become a statistic. Pediatric Cancer can potentially be a lifelong

medical condition, with Hepatoblastoma accounting for only 1% of pediatric cancers. Supporting families and their journey

is key to overall health. Hope is that beautiful place between the way things were and the path of the way things are yet to be.

There comes a point in life when you realize that nothing will ever be the same. You realize that from that point on, time will

be divided into two parts – before this and after this. Our journey is different than the next, but with the passion to give back,

anything is possible. Empowering people about determination and resiliency is key. Now it’s our turn to make that difference!!


Julie Chessell is a mom and registered nurse from Ontario, Canada. Her personal interest focuses on pediatric hepatoblastoma, Liver organ transplantation and

mindset. She has spoken on behalf of the Canadian Liver Foundation as well as the Organ Project. Her journey has been featured on TSN, SportsNet, The Ottawa

Senators, The Organ Project and various news outlets.

Julie Chessell, J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2161-069X-C8-085