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Volume 7, Issue 5(Suppl)

J Bioremed Biodeg 2016

ISSN: 2155-6199 JBRBD, an open access journal

Page 36

Biopolymers and Bioplastics 2016

September 12-14, 2016




September 12-14, 2016 San Antonio, USA



International Conference and Exhibition on

Biopolymers & Bioplastics

David Grewell, J Bioremed Biodeg 2016, 7:5(Suppl)

Sustainable plastics and the center for bioplastics and biocomposites


n this presentation, we review the basic concepts and history of bioplastics and biocomposites. We then provide an overview

of the current state of the field. While there have been many early developments in bioplastics and examples of biocomposites

in the last 60 years, today this technology has gained increased interest with many applications, and there are new products

and materials under development and commercialization. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has recently funded an

Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) focused on bioplastics. Designated as the Center for Bioplastics

and Biocomposites (CB


), this center is led by Iowa State University and Washington State University. The thrust of this new

NSF center will be reviewed along with the center’s benefits to the bioplastics and biocomposites industry.


David Grewell completed his BS, MS and PhD in Industrial Systems and Welding Engineering from The Ohio State University. He holds 14 patents and has been

given numerous honors and awards as well as numerous publications, including two books. His interests include “Joining of plastics, micro-fabrication, laser

processing of materials, bioplastics and biofuels”. He currently works at Iowa State University as a Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biosystems

Engineering. He is the Director of the NSF Center for Bioplastics and Biocomposites, is the Chair of the Biopolymers & Biocomposites Research Team, a Board

Member of the Ultrasonic Industry Association, Society of Plastics Industry and Society of Plastics Engineers. He also has a position at the University of Erlangen

in Germany and is Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers.

David Grewell

Iowa State University, USA