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Volume 3

Advanced Practices in Nursing

ISSN: 2573-0347

Advanced Nursing Research 2018

June 14-15, 2018

June 14-15, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland



World Congress on

Advanced Nursing Research

Undergraduate nursing student’s preparation for clinical placement:Asimulated liveward experience

Joanne Porter, Ainsley James, Linda Jones


Megan Jackson

Federation University, Australia


The aim of this paper is to report and showcase the development and evaluation of a simulated live lab ward experience

for undergraduate nursing students.


The proposed research will use live human actor simulation compared to manikin simulation to develop clinical

thinking skills and the transition to practice for nursing students. In a study by Shinnick and Woo in 2012, they found that

nursing students liked the practicality of human actors in a 12 minute simulated environment believing it enhanced their

safety of practice and critical thinking skills. The use of simulation engages students through multiple learning styles allowing

students to practice skills in a safe learning environment with the added important feedback and reflection loop.


The live lab experience included 15 patient actors and relatives, together with undergraduate final year students in

the role of registered nurse and second year students. The day included a pre-briefing, 2 hour shift in the live lab caring for the

patients, a focus group interview and final full cast debriefing session.


A total of 13 students participated in the event; each started the day with heightened anxiety however stated that the

experience increased their clinical skills, teamwork, and communication skills.


A live lab simulation experience is greatly valued by participants and leads to increased clinical confidence.

Although a time and resource intensive exercise the staff, patient actors, research crew and nursing student participants all

enjoyed the experience which helped develop and enhance clinical performance and preparation.


Joanne Porter currently works at the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Healthcare at Federation UniversityAustralia, Gippsland campus. She teaches into the undergraduate

program, and postgraduate higher degree supervision. She has worked both in Metropolitan and regional health facilities predominantly in emergency departments and

intensive care units. Her research interests include, deteriorating patient outcomes, simulation, and emergency care research. Her PhD through Monash University used

a mixed methods approach to investigate the affect family presence during resuscitation (FPDR) had on personnel in the emergency department. She currently holds the

position of Senior Lecturer and has an extensive research history with a number of publications and competitive grants.

Joanne Porter et al., Adv Practice Nurs 2018, Volume 3

DOI: 10.4172/2573-0347-C2-020