Page 68
Day 2 June 15, 2018
Cardiovascular Nursing | Nurse Practitioners | Certified Nurse-Midwives | Gynecology |
Clinical Nurse Specialist | Critical care and Emergency Nursing | Nursing Leadership and
Management | Telemedicine and e-health | Disaster Nursing | Public Health and Nursing |
Universal Health Care
Session Chair
Irma Nool
Tallinn Health Care College, Estonia
Session Chair
Nnenna Weathers
California State University, USA
The lived experience of nurses transitioning to electronic medical records usage: A
phenomenological inquiry
Leesuk Ferencsik,
Adventist University of Health Sciences, USA
Coping strategies of prelicensure registered nursing students experiencing student-to-
student incivility
Robin Ann Foreman,
King University, USA
Adolescent girls’ #MeToo experiences: Findings from a randomized controlled trial
Dianne Morrison-Beedy,
The Ohio State University, USA
The effect of faculty lead gentle persuasive approaches training has on nursing students to
manage responsive behaviors
Tracy Christianson,
Thompson Rivers University, Canada
Intervention possibilities to violence against children in interdisciplinar teamwork using
simulation and e-learning methods
Marika Merits,
Tallinn Health Care College, Estonia
Trials and tribulations of commissioned research
Maria Ponto,
Kingston University and St.George's University of London, UK
Implementation of the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale at a psychiatric ambulatory clinic
Nnenna Weathers,
California State University, USA
The pursuit of hope: Hope and hoping in different nursing contexts
Vibeke Lohne,
OsloMet University, Norway
The use of visual art as a method to enhance health professionals’ communication with
adolescents living with type 1 diabetes
Ainsley James,
Federation University Australia, Australia
Digital storytelling: Learning through story telling in nursing education
Penny Gill,
Robin Trust, South Africa
Progressive impact of burnout on nurses' wellbeing
Michael Galea,
University of Malta, Malta
Family Presence During Resuscitation (FPDR): Development of an education training package
Joanne Porter,
Federation University, Australia
Developing a critical skills assessment for disaster response military personnel: A pilot study
Denise A Smart,
Washington State University, USA
Surveying the awareness rate of knowledge of elderly fall guideline and attitude towards
guidelines among the different levels hospital nurses
Wen Yan,
Sichuan University, China
The development situation of acute care of the elderly unit
Zhao Wenting,
Sichuan University, China
Session Introduction
Young Researcher's Forum