Volume 7
Innovative Energy & Research
ISSN: 2576-1463
Advanced Energy Materials 2018
August 13-14, 2018
Page 66
August 13-14, 2018 | Dublin, Ireland
International Conference on
Advanced Energy Materials and Research
H Zhang, MDuquesne, A Godin, S Niedermaier, E Palomo del Barrio, S V Nedea and C C M Rindt (2017) Experimental and
in silico characterization of xylitol as seasonal heat storage material. Fluid Phase Equilibria 436:55-68.
A Godin, M Duquesne, E Palomo del Barrio, F Achchaq and P Monneyron (2017) Bubble agitation as a new low intrusive
method to crystallize glass-forming materials. Energy Procedia 139:352-357.
Marie Duquesne defended her PhD: Resolution and reduction of a non-linear energy storage model by adsorption on zeolites in 2013. She is an Associated Professor at
the National Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux since 2015 and Researcher at Trefle Department (Fluids & Transfers) of the I2M and a member of TESLab (Thermal Energy
Storage Laboratory), I2M/Abengoa Joint Research Unit. She has expertise in thermal energy storage at low-to-medium temperatures and contributes to an ANR Project
SIMINTHEC (National Project, 2008-2011) and to the European FP7 SAM.SSA Project (Sugar alcohol based material for seasonal storage applications, 2012-2015).