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Volume 8

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

ISSN: 2155-952X

Adv.Biotech 2018

November 15-17, 2018

Page 49





November 15-17, 2018 | Berlin, Germany



International Conference on

Advances in Biotechnology and Bioscience

Marietjie Botes, J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C6-102

Material transfer agreements for human biological material: Successful sample and data sharing

in the framework of European and South African privacy laws


nsurance companies in South Africa are increasingly developing insurance products which will enable patients to afford genetic

testing for purposes of personalized medicine, specifically in the oncology fields. But because South Africa does not currently

possess sufficient local capacity to sequence and/or test genetic samples, these services will have to be outsourced to laboratories in

foreign countries. SouthAfrica is also home to the San, an indigenous populationwith the oldest living genes on earth, whichmake

this population highly sought after for GWAS and other genomic research. It is thus clear that South Africa scientists and medical

practitioners will increasingly engage with their foreign counter parts by means of Material Transfer Agreements, as these are only

two examples of areas where the cross border transfer of human biological material will be imminent. In July 2018 South Africa

has adopted its first formal Material Transfer Agreement for Human Biological Materials in terms of its National Health Act 61 of

2003 which, amongst others, addresses issues such as benefit sharing, informed consent, publications and publicity. However, this

agreement sorely lacks substance when it comes to the management of intellectual property, which often constitutes the lifeline of

biotechnology companies. It also does not deal with material ownership, as opposed to possession, or privacy, further considering

that genetic material and genetic sequences resulting there from cannot really be de-identified to comply with the recently enacted

European GDPR and the South African Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013. Further considering the vulnerability

of both sick patients and an indigenous minority group, coupled with the sensitivity of the medical and population data that may

be gathered from the genetic testing and/or sequencing of these persons, the value of Material Transfer Agreements (MTA) and

the ethics and legal issues surrounding it is of critical importance to ensure a balance between the rights and protection of patients

or research participants and easy access to biotechnological services, samples and data by scientists and medical practitioners to

aid biomedical innovation.


Marietjie Botes is the Founder and Managing Director of Biolawgic, a private company focusing on the promotion of Bioethics and Director at Dyason Inc in Pretoria where

she specializes in Health-tech, Fin-tech and Bio-tech Contracts, Biotechnology Law, Health Care and Life Sciences Law and Insurance Litigation. She is particularly

interested in and passionate about genetic, genomic and stem cell research and has published numerous articles in both national and international journals on these topics.

Marietjie Botes

Dyason Inc, Republic of South Africa