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Volume 8

Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials

ISSN: 2155-952X

Adv.Biotech 2018

November 15-17, 2018

Page 36




November 15-17, 2018 | Berlin, Germany



International Conference on

Advances in Biotechnology and Bioscience

Betty Lee, J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C6-102

The role of export controls in regulating biotechnology


iotechnology has the ability to improve health with pharmaceuticals, improve agricultural crops, improve the environment with

new biofuels by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improve crop insect resistance. Biotechnology is dual use technology

because it can be used for legitimate manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and used for production of bioweapons. Civilian uses

would include manufacturing of medicines and industrial chemicals. The same equipment and technology could also be used to

manufacture chemical or biological weapons. Therefore, biotechnology poses a challenge because of its dual nature. To prevent

misuse of biotechnology, many countries use export control or strategic trade to promote non-proliferation and as a deterrent to

illicit use by terrorists. This is a means of controlling technology, manufacturing or processing equipment, chemicals and biological

agents that may be used to manufacture chemical weapons or bioweapons. Export control is one of many tools to promote non-

proliferation among countries and to prevent misuse of controlled technology, equipment, chemicals or biological agents. Many

countries are members of multilateral regimes such as the Wassenaar Arrangement, Missile Technology Control Regime, Nuclear

Suppliers Group and the Australia Group. In the case of biotechnology, the Australia Group maintains a list of controlled technology,

software and commodities related to biotechnology and chemical processing. The US government regulates the transfer of controlled

commodities and technology, identical to the Australia Group List. This talk will explain the particulars of the control list and how

each country deters the illicit transfer of important equipment and technology to make weapons of mass destruction (WMD).


Betty Lee has completed her PhD at Dartmouth Medical School, USA; MS in Clinical Chemistry at the University of Windsor, Canada and MS in Biochemistry at LSU

Medical Center, USA. She has completed her Postdoctoral training at the National Institutes of Health, USA. She currently works as a Licensing Officer with the US

government. She educates industries and academia about the export administration regulations (EAR) and participates in outreach. In addition, she has participated in the

policy review of the executive order entitled, “Optimizing the security of biological select agents and toxins in the United States”, signed by American President, Obama

on July 2


, 2010.

Betty Lee

Bureau of Industry and Security, USA