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Addiction Therapy 2016

October 03-05, 2016

Volume 7, Issue 5(Suppl)

J Addict Res Ther

ISSN:2155-6105 JART, an open access journal



October 03-05, 2016 Atlanta, USA



International Conference and Exhibition on

Addiction Research & Therapy

Inoura Satoshi, J Addict Res Ther 2016, 7:5(Suppl)

Resilience children of addicted parents

Inoura Satoshi

Mahidol University, Thailand


here have been huge concerns that a growing number of children are affected by parental substance misuse, and policy

and practice increasingly recognize the need to tackle the problems that causes children of substance misusers are at risk

from emotional and physical neglect, and of developing serious emotional and social problems themselves later in life. In

the previous researches, adversity and stress can come in the shape of family or relationship problems, health problems, or

workplace and financial worries, among others and a review of the literature on resilience provides guidelines for minimizing

risks and promoting positive outcomes for children and youths. Therefore, research and practice have been focusing more

and more on ‘resilience’, those aspects of the child’s life, relationships and choices that protect them against risk. Thus, the aim

of this research is to examine the characteristics of child resilience related to family substance misuse to contribute toward

buffering the risk of children living in the adversity family.

The results recommend the relationship among family members will help to build and strengthen the capacity of resilience

among the children of addicted parents. In addition beneficial of understanding and useful theoretical context of child resilience

will help to clarify the resilience strategy and construct the ideal and appropriate support system for the health and wellbeing

of children, their family and community as well even for the practitioners who are striving to seek for the benefit of them in

various organizations.


He completed bachelor degree in nurse on 2008, Japan. He had experience in Mental Health Hospital from 2008 - 2011. He got Scholarship as volunteer for health

promotion in South Africa from 2011 - 2013. He worked for Japan government as a public health nurse from 2013 – 2015. Right now I am a master student of

Addiction Studies Program, ASEAN Institute for Health Development, Mahidol University. His research field is the area of prevention and treatment in Addiction. I

am interesting in research about drug and alcohol addiction.