Volume 4, Issue 5(Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther
ISSN: 2332-0877 JIDT, an open access journal
Euro Infectious Diseases 2016
September 05-06, 2016
Page 22
Infectious Diseases
September 05-06, 2016 Frankfurt, Germany
Euro-Global Conference on
The clinical syndromes produced by the offensive biological agents
Introduction: The offensive use of the microbiological agents (as components of the “biological weapons”), could produce a
different clinical evolution compared to the natural one. Although used during the history, then banned through international
treaties, they became as non-conventional induced threats, mainly by the actual global terrorism development.
:The approach to the diseases produced by the offensivemicrobiological agents has a greater clinical and therapeutical
efficiency by grouping them into clinical syndromes. The main task is to raise the efficiency of the diagnosis, prophylaxis and
the treatment of the diseases that could be produced by the deliberate use of the high clinical virulent microbiological agents
as well as to propose guidelines for those cases.
: Teaching during ETIDE (European Training in Infectious Diseases Emergencies), using the specialty literature
resources and the clinical practice, in order to train the trainers to identify the most efficient means for triage, diagnosis and
therapy for the threat of the offensive biological agents.
: The clinical syndromes produced by the offensive biological agents: Cutaneous (smallpox), respiratory/influenza-
like (anthrax), digestive (oropharyngeal tularemia), neurologic (botulism), sepsis (plague). I prepared the trainers for the
hypothesis of the fast growing number of cases and identified the existing/potential medical facilities that could cope to the
new appearing cases. These were lately spread by the trainers, by organizing courses in their own countries.
: The clinical syndromic approach for the infectious diseases produced by the offensive biological agents has
important advantages, namely a ready and efficient answer to the bioweapon threats as well as a practical and efficacious way
to the biodefense. Preparing the quick solution towards such threats signifies a proper strategically approach in the view of the
actual bioweapon proliferation.
Bogdan Circiumaru is a Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the “Matei Balş” National Institute of Infectious Diseases in Bucharest, Romania. He has qualified in
1989 at the Bucharest State University of Medicine, obtained a Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene and MSc in Infectious Diseases from the University of
London, UK. He has completed his PhD at the Bucharest State University of Medicine. He is an experienced Clinician with good skills in clinical infectious diseases
and tropical pathology. He has worked under the supervision of Prof. Jon Cohen, David Mabey (London) and Prof. Antonella D’Arminio Monforte (Milan). He has
numerous publications, especially in the infectious and tropical diseases, being awarded by the University of Bucharest with The Diploma of Excellence for the
Book “Compendium of Infectious Diseases”. He has also published a paper into the book: “NBC Risks Current Capabilities and Future Perspectives for Protection”
(NATO Science Series 1999).
bcirciumaru@yahoo.co.ukBogdan Circiumaru
Bogdan Circiumaru
Bogdan Circiumaru, J Infect Dis Ther 2016, 4:5(Suppl)