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Volume 4, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Oral Hyg Health

ISSN: 2332-0702 JOHH, an open access journal

Page 31


Dental Medicine 2016

August 08-10, 2016



August 08-10, 2016 Toronto, Canada



International Conference and Exhibition on

Dental Medicine

Non-surgical management of periapical pathologies in relation to non-vital teeth-concepts revisited

Vinod Sachdev

ITS Centre for Dental Studies and Research, India


on-vital teeth with long standing periapical pathology presents a challenge to the treating dentist as they are often associated

with cystic periapical lesions and apical root resorption. Along with endodontic therapy, periapical surgery is often advised for

the management of these cases as half of them are wrongly diagnosed as cysts. Literature shows that the incidence of true cysts among

periapical periodontitis is as low as 10% and most of them heal without any surgical procedure. Apical root resorption is associated

with majority of periapical lesions, thus, it is advised to create a biological seal to avoid obturation beyond the root apex. Along with

the routine cleaning and shaping procedures, intracanal medication with calcium hydroxide has proven very useful in such cases.

Calcium hydroxide not only disinfects the root canal in one week but also initiates the hard tissue barrier formation at the apex. This

paper will discuss the basic histopathology of periapical lesions associated with non-vital teeth along with the logic behind non-

surgical approach to its management followed by the presentation of clinical cases of long standing periapical radiolucencies treated

with this conservative technique.


Vinod Sachdev has completed his Master’s in Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry from Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, India in 1983. Currently, he

is the Director of Post-Graduate studies at ITS Centre for Dental Studies and Research, India. He has a Post-graduate teaching experience of 33 years and has

49 publications in journals of repute to his credit. He has delivered more than 50 lectures at national and international forums and has guided more than 50 post-

graduate dissertations. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the

Journal of Dental Specialties

; the official publication of the ITS group of dental colleges. His areas

of special contribution are pediatric endodontics, functional orthodontics and preventive dentistry/epidemiology.

Vinod Sachdev, J Oral Hyg Health 2016, 4:3 (Suppl)