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Volume 4, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Oral Hyg Health

ISSN: 2332-0702 JOHH, an open access journal

Page 27


Dental Medicine 2016

August 08-10, 2016



August 08-10, 2016 Toronto, Canada



International Conference and Exhibition on

Dental Medicine

Changing the landscape of learning in dentistry

Peter J Murphy

University of British Columbia, Canada


ducation is what survives after what was learned has been forgotten" Professor BF Skinner At the University of British Columbia

Dental School we are using Flipped Learning to teach fundamental medical sciences to our first year students. I will explain

the successful teaching techniques used in the new curriculum- and the failures. The journey to a flipped curriculum at the UBC

Dental School was long overdue, and yet for some, came far too fast. I will talk about Faculty opposition and the tools we used- like

PeerWise and our award winning Progress Survey- to win Faculty and students over. I will also explain the ongoing research being

conducted on our curriculum at UBC Dental School. The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of a flipped learning

(active) curriculum versus the traditional lecture based (passive) curriculum in a first year Dental fundamental medical sciences

course. At UBC Dental School we are achieving enduring understanding through Flipped Learning. With Flipped Learning we have

less transmission, and more synthesis and absorption of knowledge. We are promoting deeper learning and encouraging students

to take greater responsibility for their own learning. Why Flipped Learning...because the world doesn't need memorizers, it needs

critical thinkers and problem solvers.


Peter J Murphy is a renowned Professor in Department of Dentistry, University of British Columbia, Canada. He has published many articles and has a great

experience and role in the field of Dentistry.

Peter J Murphy, J Oral Hyg Health 2016, 4:3 (Suppl)