Zsolt Doffkay1, D�³ra D�¶m�¶t�¶r2, Gy�¶rgy Schneider3, Tam�¡s Kov�¡cs2 and G�¡bor R�¡khely1
1University of Szeged, Hungary
2Enviroinvest Corp., Hungary
3University of P�©cs, Hungary
The emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria is one of the current greatest challenges of the healthcare system. Since
multidrug-resistancy is rapidly spreading, development of novel antibiotics is not a feasible strategy. Therefore, new
alternative antimicrobial agents are necessary. Using bacteriophages � the natural enemies of bacteria � is a promising
alternative approach. Bacteriophages (phages) are viruses that are obligate intracellular parasites of bacteria, which could be
applied to control also multidrug resistant bacteria. The consortium of Enviroinvest Co., University of P�©cs and University
of Szeged established a scientific center in order to develop phage therapeutic products against human-, animal- and plant
pathogenic bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus, is a Gram-positive bacterium which is responsible for numerous infections
worldwide. The emergence methicillin-resistant (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant (VRSA) cell lines made the treatment of S.
aureus infections more difficult. The aim of this research was to find effective bacteriophages against S. aureus. Several potential
candidates were isolated. Lysogenic bacteriophages are not suitable for therapeutic use, therefore our research focused on
strictly lytic ones. Few candidates have been found which had strictly lytic phenotype. In order to use them in bacteriophage
therapy, their morpoholgical characters, maximal titer, lytic spectra/host specificity and genomic sequence must be determined.
Therefore, we have sequenced the viral genomes. In one lytic phage, several spontaneous mutations in the integrase gene could
be recognized. These mutations could account for the strictly lytic phenotype of the bacteriophage. The complete genome
sequence also allowed us to compare the new phage with previously sequenced ones.
Zsolt Doffkay has completed his MSc degree and studied at University of Szeged, Faculty of Science and Informatics as biologist (Molecular-, Immun- and Microbiology specialization). He started his PhD programme at Doctoral School of Biology in 2013 and his supervisor is Dr. Gábor Rákhely.
Email: zsolt.doffkay@bio.u-szeged.hu