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Statement of the Problem:
According to the International Labor Organization (ILO),
occupational accidents cause the greatest human hardship and
economic compensation. The economic costs of accidents are
not only borne by the victims, the relevant companies and the
government also suffer. The purpose of this study is to estimate the
burden of occupational accidents in Kashan city in IRAN in 2020.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:
This cross-sectional research has been conducted in the working
population of Kashan city in IRAN. In order to collect data, all
information related to occupational accidents registered in the
Department of Labor of Kashan were used. Burden of occupational
accidents calculated using the method of the World Health
Organization. Moreover, Excel software was utilized to estimate
the number of years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL),
and the years lost to disability (YLD)
The results showed that 407 accidents occurred during the study
period. The total number of DALY cases in the present study is
523.138 years. Out of them 308 years (58%) are related to YLL
and the remaining 218/138 are related to YLD.
Conclusion & Significance:
Given the high number of years of life lost due to disability caused
by occupational accidents, this study highlights the importance
of providing occupational health services in industries to protect
human resources against occupational accidents.
Recent Publications
1. Macpherson RA, Lane TJ, Collie A, McLeod CB. Age, sex,
and the changing disability burden of compensated work-related
musculoskeletal disorders in Canada and Australia. BMC public health. 2018; 18(1):758
2. Fatemi F, Dehdashti A, Zadehabbas B, Kashani H. Analysis of
Occupational Accidents in the Manufacturing Sector in Semnan
Province during 2013-2015. Journal of Community Health
Research. 2020; 9(2):90-9
3. Hatami SE, Khanjani N, Alavinia SM, Ravandi MRG. Injuries
and their burden in insured construction workers in Iran, 2012.
International journal of injury control and safety promotion. 2017;
4 Sepanlou SG, Parsaeian M, Krohn KJ, Afshin A, Farzadfar F,
Roshandel G, et al. Disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for
315 diseases and injuries and healthy life expectancy (HALE) in
Iran and its neighboring countries, 1990�2015. Archives of Iranian
medicine. 2017; 20(7):403-18
5. Rushton L. The global burden of occupational disease. Current
environmental health reports. 2017; 4(3):340-86.
Occupational Health and Safety at the Kashan University of Medical Sciences in Iran. He earned his master of science and his PhD in occupational health and safety at Tarbiat Modares University in Iran in 1991 and 2010 respectively. In the Master of Science course he worked on measurement of physical work capacity of Iranian’s workers and his PhD thesis was about prevention of noise induced hearing loss. Now he is the head of the department of health, safety and environment management (HSE MS) at Kashan University of Medical Sciences and he focused on job burnout, job satisfaction, job stress and behavior based safety in his research.
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