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About the possibility of priority registration of natural disasters in the low frequency range of the channel ionosphere-earth-man in the modeled space Kozyrev

2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards and Disaster Management

Oseeva Olga

International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmoplanetary Anthropoecology, Russia

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Earth Sci Clim Change

DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C2-042

During the time of the conducted researches in modeled the Kozyrev space (ISRICA) using the method of gas discharge visualization (Computer kirlianography by K Korotkov) been identified the effect of resonant enhancement of the spectral density of the luminescence of the human body in the frequency range, related to Schumann resonance in the group of volunteers (n=38), was 48 hours before the solar flares. Thus, the bio-field structures of people in the Kozyrev space in advance responded to solar and atmospheric storms. According to a hypothesis of astrophysics N Kozyrev, time makes the connection between all the phenomena of nature, actively participates in them that are allowed advanced event registration not yet implemented in the present. To develop and test of the method of advancing the registration of seismo-volcanic disasters in the associated micro-pulsations harbingers in the low frequency range of electromagnetic oscillations of the ionosphere and man, was applied cardio-spectral analysis Veda Pulse (company Biokvant, Russia). This device is designed for recording low-frequency components in the dynamics of cardiac activity of the operator, located in the Kozyrev mirrors to perform a predictive task. In 11 Aug 1917, during the influence micro-tectonics electromagnetic radiation one of the natural objects (mountain Rtanj in Serbia) we have register forced synchronization mode hearts of two remotely separated (4,500 km) of volunteer��?s researchers, had been staying in the Kozyrev space by two the same device Veda Pulse. Received fact created the scientific basis for further recording cardiospectra of person in the Kozyrev mirrors in the days, had been predicted for natural disasters in 2018. Virtual predictive monitoring by cardio-spectral analysis in the Kozyrev mirrors will be continued during remote information bridge between Novosibirsk and Melbourne 26-27 July 2018.

Olga Oseeva is a Physician, Cardiologist, graduated from medical school. She has worked in various programs of International Scientific Research Institute of Cosmic Anthropoecology. She has mastered and successfully applied the method of registration cardiospectra on the device Veda Pulse (company Biokvant, Russia) in scientific research as part of ISRICA. Currently, she is working as a Doctor in Academician E N Meshalkin Novosibirsk State Research Institute of Circulation Pathology. Her research interests include heliobiology, cosmic anthropoecology, helioclimatopathology, preventive medicine and cardiology.

E-mail: olll11@yandex.ru

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