OMICS International strongly supports the
Open Access initiative. Abstracts and full texts (HTML, XML and PDF format) of all articles published by OMICS International are freely accessible to everyone immediately after publication. OMICS International supports the Bethesda Statement on
Open Access Publishing. All works published by OMICS International are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work, provided if it is the original work and source is appropriately cited.
Papers published in OMICS International are peer reviewed. OMICS International will keep up to date with latest advances in the respective fields. Archived online transactions of OMICS International provides the International scientific community with immediate and permanent access to individual papers. OMICS International accepts online letters from the Editors and brief comments that contribute to the previously published articles or other relevant findings in OMICS field.
Special Features – OMICS International Journals
350 Open Access journals
21 Days rapid review process
30,000 Editorial team
3 Million readers
More than 1,00,000
Publication immediately after acceptance
Quality and quick editorial, review processing
Special Features – OMICS International Conferences
100 Conferences all over the world in 2014
Well organized scientific program
Renowned speakers and scientists across the globe
Poster presentations and world class exhibits
Panel discussions & interactive sessions
Perfect platform for global networking
OMICS International Journals are known for their high
impact factor journals and a section of OMICS International journals are indexed in the world renowned science database like Medline, PubMed Central, Obscure and Scopus. OMICS acquired as many as 40 reputed journals such as Oral Health and Dental Management and Molecular, genetic Medicine and others.
Yet another prominent feature of OMICS International Publication activities is its alliance with reputed scientific research, academic institutions and
International associations, societies as well as world federations. This alliance is paving the way for collaboration in the areas of journal production, review process, quality and subscription management.
OMICS International International Conferences attracts reputed world class scientists, researchers, policy makers and students. Research from various prominent institutions reaches these platforms and they are discussed here with a view to promote knowledge dissemination. Papers presented in the international conferences are published in the respective OMICS International Journals. OMICS journals also serve as publication partners with certain organizations working for a genuine cause. For example, OMICS International Journal of Nanomedicine & Biotherapeutic Discovery associated with Sector Nanotech Dubai-2013 and Nanoapp-2013, Ukraine.
OMICS International International organizes as many as 100 International Science conferences. These conferences attract world renowned personalities, scientists, entrepreneurs, budding scientists, students and policy makers. This serves a stage where the public private partnerships, academic and industry collaborations materializes, leading to great research and academic innovations.
OMICS International organizes Science Congress, World Summits, and International science conferences in India, USA, Dubai, Australia and Europe. OMICS International thus is making a world tour taking its agenda of spreading knowledge related science and technology ‘Open Access’. OMICS International Conferences are known for their innovation and unique features.
International workshops and symposiums, Exhibitions, and tradeshows are part of the OMICS International conferences. This a place for B2B meetings, networking,
collaborations and entrepreneurial decision making where travel allowances, great research funds, scholarships and incentives serves as catalysts for the further scientific development.
With a view to encourage young talents in the field of Sciences and Technology, OMICS International International offers ‘
Young Scientist Awards’ to the young, entrepreneurial and budding scientists in the age group 30 years, with unpublished, original work. The award winning proposal receives $1000 as prize money and the paper would be published in the concerned OMICS International Journal. Selective proposals that qualify for the presentation also receive travel grant and accommodation.
OMICS International formed a network by signing agreements with more than 100 international societies and formed ‘
scientific alliances’ to make healthcare information Open Access. OMICS International also offers various services like Publication Management, Processing Management, Event Management quality and subscription management to other similar institutions through this network.