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July 17-19, 2017 Chicago, USA

World Congress and Expo on

Optometry & Vision Science

Volume 2, Issue 1 (Suppl)

Optom Open Access, an open access journal


World Optometry 2017

July 17-19, 2017

Nutritional Support for Dry Eye

Sandra Young

Ocular Nutrition Society, USA


hat is dry eye? And, who is affected? Symptoms and prevalence of dry eye Patients with: advancing age, hormonal

imbalances, diabetes, autoimmune disease, rosacea, pharmacological side effects, ocular trauma 2. Tears and their

function Basal tears, reflex tears, emotional tears Tear film: inner mucin, middle aqueous, outer lipid 3. Dry eye categories

A. Aqueous tear production deficiency Autoimmune disease: rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Sjogren’s syndrome Medications:

antihistamines, beta blockers, diuretics, sleep aides, some pain relievers Decreased corneal sensation: herpes zoster, refractive

surgery, diabetes Systemic dehydration: drink water! B. Excessive tear evaporation Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) Lipid

layer: decreased lipid production or excessive production Scarring: ocular pemphigoid, trauma 4. Nutritional goals for dry

eye Tamp down ocular and systemic inflammation Improve tear film composition A “dry eye” diet should include: • Omega-3

fatty acids: ALA, EPA, DHA Improve tear film stability and lid inflammation Especially important for MGD Food sources of

omega-3 fatty acids • Omega-6 fatty acids: GLA Tamps down inflammation How to include GLA in your diet • Omega-7 fatty

acids Improves tear osmolarity How to include omega-7 fatty acids in your diet • Vitamins A, C, D, E, phytonutrients Support

of ocular surface and tear film Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects How to include Vitamins A, C, D, E, phytonutrients in

your diet • Probiotics Gut health and inflammation Foods to promote gut health.


Dr Sandra Young is currently an optometrist at Visionary Kitchen: A Cookbook for Eye Health, USA, she is specialized at treating Dry eyes and she is a currently

a member of Ocular Nutrition Society.

Sandra Young, Optom Open Access 2017, 2:1 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2476-2075-C1-002