Volume 6
Journal of Infectious Diseases & Therapy
Tropical & Bacterial Diseases 2018
December 05-06, 2018
Page 37
Annual Conference on
Bacterial, Viral and Infectious Diseases
Neglected Tropical Diseases Congress: The Future Challenges
December 05-06, 2018 Dubai, UAE
The importance of interstitial fluid evaluation in relationship to any health condition
ue to the many ineffective and incomplete diagnostic and treatment results of conventional medical protocols (e.g.
Comprehensive Blood and Chemistry tests, mammograms, antibiotics, antivirals, chemotherapy and radiation), more
efficient alternative methods are needed. The potential of Non-invasive Medical Diagnostics (NMD) coupled with an Alkaline
Lifestyle and Diet (ALD) as a legitimate alternative to radioactive diagnostice and chemical treatments are examined. While
largely ignored in conventional Medicine, the pH and electrolytes of the interstitial fluids of the Interstitum is suggested as an
important part in identifying any viral, bacterial, fungal and/or cancerous condition. It is further suggested that all of these
conditions may be the result of an over-acidic chemistry of the interstitial fluids of the body that can be prevented or reversed
with an alkalizing lifestyle and diet (ALT). Non-invasive Blood Testing (NBT) and Full Body Bio-Electro Interstitial Fluid
Scan (FBBIES) are presented as a noninvasive and non-radioactive diagnostic tests to examine the body fluids pH, chemistry,
metabolic data and functionality of the organs and organ systems in the presence of any acidic disease causing condition. In
addition, non-invasive Full-Body Thermography (FBT) and Full-Body Ultrasound (FBU) combined with the interstitial fluid
testing (FBBIES) are presented as noninvasive methods to examine the physiology, the anatomy and the functionality of the
organs, organ systems, glands and tissues in relationship to acute or chronic health conditions in the prevention, diagnosis,
prognosis, treatment and monitoring the progress of any therapy progress. Finally, qualitative and quantitative non-invasive
Blood Evaluation (NBE) is used as an important part of determining hematological data to compare with the interstitial fluid
analysis (FBBIES). In contrast, to the potential chemical acidosis caused by conventional medical treatments, ALTmethods such
as Intravenous Nutritional Infusion (INI), Rectal Nutritional Infusion (RNI), alkaline foods and drinks, alkaline nutritional
supplements, detoxification, exercise and stress reduction provide an alkalizing approach in preventing and reversing any
serious health condition.
Galina Migalko graduated with her M.D. from Uzghorod Medical University (Ukraine) in 1988, After finishing the California School of Medical Sciences and earning
an additional ARDMS license in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, she founded the Universal Medical Imaging Group an alternative and complementary practice that
uses the Comprehensive Full Body Screening. In 2011, She received her NMD from the University of Science Arts and Technology (Montserrat, British West Indies
and London, England) with a degree in Naturopathic Medicine.
universalmedicalimaging@yahoo.comGalina Migalko
Universal Medical Imaging Group, USA
Galina Migalko, J Infect Dis Ther 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C7-055