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August 27-29, 2018 | Paris, France


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Global Summit on

Traditional & Restorative Medicine



World Congress on


Volume 7

Traditional and Restorative Medicine & Neuropharmacology 2018 | August 27-29, 2018

Journal of Traditional Medicine & Clinical Naturopathy | ISSN : 2573-4555

Peripheral nerve Interfacing for control of powered

prostheses - Our toolbox today and beyond


lectrical interfaces to peripheral nerves allow persons with amputation to

coordinate the movements of multi-DOF powered prostheses simultaneously with

minimal cognitive effort. This is possible when each prosthetic actuator is controlled

using the activity of the specific motor nerve that subserves the same joint motion in

an intact limb. This concept is well demonstrated with TMR, where each target nerve

is neurotize to a piece of viable muscle. The muscle acts as a biological amplifier that

converts the feeble nerve impulses to more robust electromyograhic activity (EMG)

which is then used as a prosthetic command signal. A drawback of TMR is the

need to trans-locate the desired nerves to the host muscles and to remove the host

muscle’s native


mitigate these issues, researchers have anastomosed

small pieces of excised muscle to the selected peripheral nerves. Such constructs are

referred to as Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces (RPNIs), and EMG control

signals are recorded from the surface of each RPNI. As a modification of this strategy,

we are developing an implanted modular device containing small electrically isolated

compartments. Each compartment contains integral recording electrodes and is filled

with a small piece of autologos muscle. A multi-fascicle nerve can be subdivided and

each fascicle assigned to a separate electrically isolated compartment which minimizes

problems of signal crosstalk between recording channels. Also important for prosthesis

control is to provide tactile and proprioceptive sensory feedback. Historically, electrical

stimulation of sensory afferents using cuffs or inserted arrays has been the primary

approach employed and more recently, micro-channel arrays are being explored.

However, issues of fiber selectivity and long term functionality still need improvement.

The provision of muscle-tendon proprioception information has been particularly

elusive, but a strategy based on novel surgical constructs termed AMI (agonist-

antagonist myoneural interface) is showing good success in persons with below-knee

amputation who have reeeived this treatment. This approach re-instates a mechanical

connection between the agonist and antagonist muscles that would exist around an

intact joint so that contraction of the agonist acts to stretch the antagonist muscle and



Ronald Riso obtained a BSEE from Cornell U., and a PhD in Neuroscence from U. Rochester Sch of Med. His

career has centered on neuroprostheses including FES techniques for restoring hand grasp in quadriplegia and

methods for controlling prosthetic limbs (Case Western Res. U. and Aalborg U. Denmark). He is presently with the

MIT Center for Extreme Bionics working on Neural Interfacing to allow persons with amputation to have full volitional

control over their prosthetic limbs and enjoy restored tactile and proprioceptive sensibilities.

Ronald R Riso

MIT Media Lab, USA

Ronald R. Riso, J Tradit Med Clin Natur 2018, Volume:7

DOI: 10.4172/2573-4555-C1-001