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Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)

J Spine, an open access journal

ISSN: 2165-7939

Page 33

July 24-26, 2017 Rome, Italy


Spine and Spinal Disorders



International Conference on

Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases



International Conference on


Low back pain is a disease

Abbas Alnaji

Al Sadir Teaching Hospital, Iraq


his is an anatomic analysis to reveal, according to the work, the infective aspect of the structural changes in the vertebra and hence

the clinical outcome, and to show how pathologic changes occur in the vertebral components (spondylosis SL). In another words,

spondylosis is the low grade bacterial spondylitis in the majority of prevalence. Micro and macro anatomy of the vertebra is well

studied in many sources, but very little whom mentioned the exact or near to that the properties of this structure. For example Gray’s

anatomy mentioned in what means ‘’

The force that breaks the body of vertebra do not distort the adjacent intervertebral disc

” where as it

is very common and popular at least in my community that prolapsed intervertebral disc prolapse is created when a cocking propane

jar ( about 50 kg) is lifted or some an inappropriate trunk torsion is achieved during some task.

The pathological fracture


is well known for them but do not goes with the above, that’s to say, unless there is a massive pathology as a radiological finding, it

wouldn’t be a diseased vertebra! According to our vision based on the clinical and lab findings that shows most of, if not all, chronic

back pain is due to a chronic active bacterial spondylitis of Brucellar origin. This infective agent is responsible for the slow ongoing

inflammatory process that causes the catastrophic bony builds like spurs in the intervertebral foramina where the spinal roots exit

to cause causalgia. And the posterior up going and down going spurs that causing kissing vertebrae and to press spinal cord. With

the anterior Parrot peaks. For osteolytic changes, the end plate and the related bony edge are distorted to give the damaged bed for

the; soft tissues changes, the disc, where both mechanical attachment for its fibrous rings is distorted and both chemical or cellular

changes, (it needs extensive and advanced work ) practiced by this intracellular bacteria on the disc structure to distort it in all aspects

we know (degeneration). When we come to the spinal stenosis, the inflamed soft tissue swelling decreases the caliber of spinal canal

and the foramina due to tissue edema and ongoing fibrosis. According to the above concept many clinical and surgical management

measures will be formed to change the traditional or today standards.


Abbas Alnaji was born in Baghdad 1962 and he had the Degree in Neurosurgery FICMS NS from University of Baghdad 1999. He is interested in research work

and has eleven papers published in the field of surgical pathology causations.

Abbas Alnaji, J Spine 2017, 6:4(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7939-C1-005