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Day 1 May 22, 2017
Augmentative and Alternative Communication | Cultural and Linguistic Issues | Fluency |
Language in Infants | Toddlers and Preschoolers | Language and Learning in School Age
Children and Adolescents
Session Chair
Kerri Phillips
Louisiana Tech University, USA
Session Co-chair
Sandra M. Grether
University of Cincinnati, USA
Session Introduction
Are South African speech-language therapists adequately equipped to assess English additional
language (EAL) speakers who are from an indigenous linguistic and cultural background? A profile
and exploration of the current situation
Thandeka Mdlalo,
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Assessment and comparison of the different tracheotomy speaking valves
Alan H Shikani,
The Union Memorial Hospital, USA
Feeding techniques and practices for children with disabilities living outside of permanent family care
around the globe
Maureen Dykinga,
Spoon Foundation, USA