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Volume 6, Issue 6 (Suppl)

J Geol Geophys, an open access journal

ISSN: 2381-8719

Soil Science 2017

December 04-05 2017

Page 33




December 04-05, 2017 | Madrid, Spain

Annual Congress on


Recent Publications

1. Bodoque J M, Ladera J, Yela J L, Alonso-Azcarate J, Brito D, Antiguedad I, Duran R, Attard E, Lauga B and Sanchez-

Perez J M (2017) Recovering hydromorphological functionality to improve natural purification capacity of a highly

human-modified wetland. Ecological Engineering 103:332-343.

2. Havrylenko S B, Bodoque J M, Srinivasan R, Zucarelli G V and Mercuri P (2016) Assessment of the soil water content

in the Pampas region using SWAT. Catena 137:298–309.

3. Bodoque J M, Ballesteros-Cánovas J A, Lucia A, Diez-Herrero A and Martin-Duque J F (2015) Source of error and

uncertainty in sheet erosion rates from dendrogeomorphology. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40(9):1146–


4. Bodoque J M, Lucia A, Ballesteros J A, Martin-Duque J F, Rubiales J M and Genova M (2011) Measuring medium-

term sheet erosion in gullies from trees: a case study using dendrogeomorphological analysis of exposed pine roots in

central Iberia. Geomorphology 134(3–4):417–425.

5. Martín-Duque J F, Sanz M A, Bodoque J M, Lucía A and Martín-Moreno C (2010) Restoring earth surface processes

through landform design. A 13-year monitoring of a geomorphic reclamation model for quarries on slopes. Earth

Surface Processes and Landforms 35:531–548.


Bodoque J M obtained his PhD in Geology from Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. He undertook his Postdoctoral studies at the Department of Civil

Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA. Currently, he is a Professor of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry at the University of Castilla-La

Mancha His main research is focused on Hydrology and Geomorphology, which has resulted in more than 40 papers in international peer reviewed journals related

to fluvial geomorphology, flood risk assessment and management, soil erosion, water quality and ecological restoration.