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May 01-02, 2017 Toronto, Canada
International Conference on
Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics
Volume 5, Issue 1 (Suppl)
J Oral Hyg Health
ISSN: 2332-0702 JOHH, an open access journal
Restorative Dentistry & Prosthodontics 2017
May 01-02, 2017
J Oral Hyg Health 2017, 5:1 (Suppl) to achieve fitness in prosthodontics, effect of spark erosion
Mohammad Ebrahim Ahmadnejad
, Negin Kouchak Dezfuli
, Sareh Habibzadeh
Farshad Dehnavi
Babol University of Dental School, Iran
Tehran University of Dental School, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Spark erosion technology is a highly advanced system for producing the ultimate in precision fit of the prostheses
frameworks. In this process metal is altered in a form using short-circuit impulses created within a dielectric medium similar to light
oil. This process became more popular in the early 1940s in the tool and die industry. Since then, the dental profession has adapted its
uses for fabricating precision-removable partial dentures, titanium crowns, and implant-retained over dentures.
Methods & Materials:
In removable partial dentures, this technology uses a tool system that permits repositioning of the casting
with great accuracy and an electric discharge machine that is programmed to erode minute metal particles through periodic spark
intervals. In implant dentistry, achieving a passive fit between the implants with the infrastructure and the superstructure is imperative
for long-term osseointegration. Mechanical failures from a non-passive fit may cause mechanical failures of the implants and/or the
prosthesis or may adversely affect the surrounding gingiva.
Result & Conclusion:
Using spark erosion technique, the resultant prostheses were retentive and provided a number of benefits
offered by both conventional overdenture and fixed prosthetic designs. This article explains why the spark erosion machining has a
significant impact on today's dentistry.