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Restorative Dentistry 2016

October 20-21, 2016

Volume 4, Issue 5

J Interdiscipl Med Dent Sci

ISSN: 2376-032X JIMDS, an open access journal



October 20-21, 2016 Houston, USA

International Conference on

Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics

J Interdiscipl Med Dent Sci 2016, 4:5(Suppl)

Treatment planning edentulous patients with fixed implant supported prosthesis- criteria and key


Ahmad Al Awadhi

Ministry of Health of Kuwait, Kuwait


reatment planning for full edentulous patients evolved from complete tissue supported to implant supported or retained

prosthesis. Fixed Implant supported prosthesis improved patient comfort and functional capabilities. It all started with

using fixed detachable casted metal bar with acrylic teeth by Branemark. Although, technology in implant supported prosthesis

fabrication has improved and treatment options have been diversified for the past 40 years, rehabilitation of edentulous

patients remains a complex treatment. New objectives and criteria need to be suggested to simplify treatment modalities.

There are several factors that should be considered while planning for the treatment in such cases. Pre-operative schemes

vary considerably and there are many factors that affect functional and esthetic aspects of treatment. Quality time should be

spent in diagnosis and treatment planning. We know that several authors discussed major principles for treatment planning

and these principles should serve as a foundation for any treatment options that involve advanced technology. The purpose

of this presentation is to propose more detailed criteria that help in decision making during treatment planning edentulous

patients with fixed implant supported restorations. These criteria can be used as a guide for clinicians to simplify the process of

treatment planning and to expect more predictable outcome of treatment in regards to functional and esthetic aspects.

Biological endodontics: Evolution or revolution

Georgette Atte Brisson

National University of Cordoba, Argentina


o date, direct pulp capping was a treatment generally used in young patient with an exposed vital pulp and with a dental

material to facilitate the formation of reparative dentin and maintenance of vital pulp this treatment now is applied in

adult patients as well. Re-vascularintion is a new treatment method that allows the stimulation of the apical development

and the root maturation of immature teeth. Pulp re-vascularintion is dependent on the ability of residual pulp and apical and

periodontal stem cells to differentiate. This lecture will review not only the materials of choice and asses a step by step protocol

for: Pulp re-vascularintion, to obtain desired therapeutic success. New trends in irrigation like solutions, goals, risks and

limitations and recommendations for effective and safe irrigation will be presented. Current status in endodontic instruments

in past years: A reciprocating movement NiTi instrument was introduced to endodontics, and due to its simplicity of use, the

lack of procedural errors during cleaning and shaping, it has acceptance among dental schools, GPs as well as endodontics

worldwide. The presentation is a summary of the current status of endodontic files; recommendations for safe and effective

use of instruments will be presented. After this lecture, the participants will be able to understand the biological objectives of

root canal treatment recommendations for effective and safe irrigation and understand the ability of a single file system over

multiple files systems in preparing canals without procedural errors.