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Volume 4, Issue 3(Suppl)
J Laser Opt Photonics, an open access journal
ISSN: 2469-410X
Quantum Physics 2017
September 25-26, 2017
September 25-26, 2017 Berlin, Germany
International Conference on
Quantum Physics and
Quantum Technology
Unified quantum metric
Eugene A Machusky
NTUU - KhPI, Ukraine
he absolute quantum metric of 3D-motion of spheric wave fronts was developed using the rigorous parabolic, hyperbolic,
trigonometric and logarithmic relationships of the geometric parameters of the pulsating and rotating spiral. It was discovered
that one matrix expression [G] = 2*PI*[R]*(1+[A]), four rational numbers A = 137 (Sommerfeld's integer), B = 602214183
(Avogadro's integer), R = Integer{10^8*(C/10^7)^(1/64)}/10^8 = 1.05456978 (Dirac's radius), C = (R+4*PI*C/10^18)^64*10^7 =
299792457.86759104 (Maxwell's speed) and two transcendental numbers PI and E is sufficient to calculate twelve gauge parameters
that completely describe and absolutely coordinate all basic constants of thermodynamics, electrodynamics and gravidynamics. It
was also discovered that the radii and eccentricities of the pulsating and rotating spiral are linked by the equation R = 1+2/100*(E+
A*(1+Sqrt(2*PI*E)/10))) where Sqrt(2*PI*E) is the argument of the information entropy of the normal distribution. The expression
[P] = 2*PI*[R] generates the Planck's perimeter matrix. The expression [G] = [P]*(1+[A]) generates the Newton’s density matrix. The
expression [KB] = Cos(12-[A]/10) - Sin(12- [A]/10) generates the Boltzmann’s polarization matrix. The information entropy matrix
of Avogadro is generated instantly by the matrix expression [NA] = 100*{Sqrt[8*PI*E/(8*PI*E+137^2]/(1+2*[A]/1000) - 5/10^8}.
The Maxwell's speed has been obtained from the equations C = (R+4*PI*C/10^18)^64*(10^7) and C = (R+4*PI/10^18)^64/(10^1).
The decimal orders of fundamental quantum constants are obtainable from the approximate expression E^137 = (100*PI)*(10^57)
and Wien’s wavelength displacement formula for the blackbody irradiation. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that
for the first time the absolute values of the speed of light, background temperature, fine structure, elementary charge, molar mass,
gravitation, Kelvin's, Avogadro's, Boltzmann's and Planck's units were determined analytically without the use of artifacts such as
m, s, kg, without the use of Feynman's energy diagrams and without any measurements at all. All quantum constants are, in fact, the
harmonic medians of the half-normal and the log-normal distributions of the normalized space-time parameters of spherical waves
and all calculated values lie within the uncertainty of the latest NIST data. Thus, the proposed unified metric can be used as the basis
of the New SI-2018 measurement system.
Figure 1:
Gauge parameters
Figure 2:
Basic quantum constants
The presented analytics can be interpreted as the logarithmically compressed 2D-image of the 3D-motion of the pulsating sphere and
as the matrix bridge between continuous and discrete mathematics. Having as a tool the modified Euler’s formula E^(j*PI) +1 = [A]/
(10^57), we can say: "The way to quantum programming and computing is opened".
Eugene A Machusky is currently Head of the Department of Technical Information Protection Systems, Scientific Director of Special Design Bureau "Storm" in
National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" (KPI), Kyiv, Ukraine. He received Master’s in Engineering (1974), PhD (1979), DSc (1989)
from NTUU-KPI. He is a Research Visitor at University of North Wales (1983-1984, Bangor, UK), Visiting Professor at Harbin Technological University (2015-2018),
China. He is the Author and Editor of Radio Engineering Encyclopedia (Kyiv 1999; Moscow 2002, 2009, 2016) has written articles in Great Ukrainian Encyclopedia
(2016, 2017). His field of interest include: Microwave Electronics, Underwater Acoustics, Information Security, Mathematical linguistics
sivera@ukr.netEugene A Machusky, J Laser Opt Photonics 2017, 4:3(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2469-410X-C1-014