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Volume 4

Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing

Public Health Nursing 2018

September 19-20, 2018

September 19-20, 2018 Singapore



International Conference on

Public Health and Nursing

Chunlan Bai et al., J Comm Pub Health Nurs 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846-C1-002

The discussion on the full range health care model of the elderly in China.

Chunlan Bai and Xiuying Hu

West China Medical School of Sichuan University, China


ased on the result of literature review, we introduce how to bring in and localize the advanced care ideas and models for the

elderly abroad, and explores the full range of health care model (acute care, mid-term care, long-term care) for the elderly

in China.


: 1. From the characteristics of the care model for the elderly in the country, to grasp the direction of development

of full range of health care, and understand the importance of the direction; 2. According to the national policy and the

development of information technology, we recommend that acute care should be taken as the beginning, and should use

information networks to extend the medium-term and long-term care to build a continuation of the full range health care

model. 3. Fully recognize the importance of professional care skills training for caregivers and national care insurance, because

they ensure the sustainable development of the full range health care.


Chunlan Bai studing her Ph D in West China Medical School of Sichuan University, China