Volume 4
Journal of Community & Public Health Nursing
Page 10
September 19-20, 2018 Singapore
International Conference on
Public Health and Nursing
Public Health Nursing 2018
September 19-20, 2018
Reproductive health library in your pocket
n the project “Healthy pregnancy, good delivery: Knowledge, support and guidance for healthy family living” we promised
to take reliable sexual and reproductive health information, based on the latest research, to youth and young adults wherever
they are. During the first steps of the project, we found out that young people in fertile age use smart devices as the primary
source of information search. The leading idea of the project was the worry that information on preconception health, healthy
pregnancy and normal delivery do not reach everybody equally. There are different reasons why some people do not get the
information they need and instead they are probably getting false and misleading information from social media. On the base
of analysis of the target group, we started to create “a public reproductive health library”, which is in everybody’s hand, free of
charge, open all the time and is situated in one’s smartphone. The content was also transformed to visual, quick-read type the
young people prefer. During the oral presentation we will describe, how we developed an environment of reliable information
for millennials to promote their sexual and reproductive health, specifically their preconception health: the arguments,
problems and innovations during the process.
Anna-Mari Aimala has completed her MSc from Tampere University in 1995. She is Senior Lecturer in Midwifery Education and Project Manager in “Wise Choises
- Healthy Pregnancy, Good Delivery” (2015-2017) in Tampere University of Applied Sciences. She has published several paper in Finnish and English and one of
the editors of the book “Midwifery” (in Finnish) as well as co-edited many books in Finnish in different fields.
anna-mari.aimala@tamk.fiAnna-Mari Aimala
Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Anna-Mari Aimala, J Comm Pub Health Nurs 2018, Volume 4
DOI: 10.4172/2471-9846-C1-001