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Volume 8

Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education

Public Health Congress 2018

July 23-24, 2018

July 23-24, 2018 Melbourne, Australia



World Congress on

Public Health, Nutrition & Epidemiology

Attitudes of French general practitioners towards people with alcohol use disorders: Amixed-method


Marie Costa

Economic and Social Sciences of Health and Medical Information Processing, France

Statement of the Problem:

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is a major public health concern in France, especially because a large

proportion of people concerned do not receive medical care for this disorder. While AUD care is available in specialized center,

General Practitioners (GP) are in the first line to screen and manage AUD and/or to refer People with Alcohol Use Disorder

(PWAUD) to specialized care providers. Alongside that, the most recent French guidelines on alcohol misuse focused on

reduced alcohol drinking as a new therapeutic goal and the related availability of two new pharmacological treatments. We

conducted a mixed-method study to explore French physicians’ perceptions and practices regarding PWAUD in the context of

new national guidelines and treatment options in France.

Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:

We performed both semi-structured interviews (n=14) and a survey among 101

French GP. We used a thematic analysis to explore qualitative data. Concerning quantitative data, a descriptive analysis was

performed and we searched factors associated with AUD management.


We identified four main themes as pillars of GP practices regarding PWAUD- Baclofen as a driver of renewed interest

in AUD care, PWAUD profile diversity, strategies to get around patient denial when screening for AUD and opportunistic

screening for AUD. On the 101 respondents, 69.3% (n=70) managed AUD by themselves or helped by AUD specialist, 31.7%

(n=32) reported to perform systematically AUD screening and almost half of the participants (47.5%, n=48) thought that

abstinence was the only appropriate therapeutic goal for PWAUD. GP who screened AUD systematically were more likely to

be favorable to controlled drinking.


GP inFrance donot performthe brief AUD interventions currently suggested by recommendations.

Instead they develop their own tools to screen for and manage AUD. Taking GP experiences and practices into account could

be useful to enhance existing guidelines and recommendations. However, providing AUD information and training to GP

remains important as our study highlights that AUD screening is not performed systematically in general practice.

J Community Med Health Educ 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2161-0711-C3-039