Volume 8
J Community Med Health Educ, an open access journal
ISSN: 2161-0711
Public Health 2018
February 26-28, 2018
Page 85
World Congress on
February 26-28, 2018 London, UK
Andrey P. Averianov, J Community Med Health Educ 2018, Vol 8
DOI: 10.4172/2161-0711-C1-31
besity is a common and increasing problem in modern society. According to WHO, there are 1.8 bln. people in the world
who are either overweight or obese. The growing concern is the increasing number of overweight children as these children
and adolescents have a strong predictive pattern for the development of overweight and obesity in adulthood. Pathogenic
pattern underlying obesity is associated with increased food intake and sedentary lifestyle. There are many theories providing an
explanation for this pattern: the idea of disturbances in the regulation of energy balance, or the role of intestinal microbiota. One
of the causes of obesity is dysfunction of hypothalamic structures that result in increased appetite and eating disorders. Evidence
suggests the effectiveness of transcranial techniques such as transcranial magnetic therapy (TMT) with an alternating magnetic
field. This is because influences of TMT occur at the hypothalamic level. The aim of the given study was to assess the effectiveness
of TMT in the management of eating disorder and in the possibility of weight loss in obese adolescents. 80 patients aged 14-18
with second and third degrees of obesity were examined. The 5-score based questionnaire was developed to subjectively assess
food craving. Indicators of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism were assessed as well as hormone panel, and the results of EEG
and CIG. TMT with an alternating magnetic field, which scan rate was 1-12 Hz, was performed using the device “AMO-ATOS”
(OOO“TRIMA”, Saratov). Results: the children complained about increased appetite and blood pressure. Blood biochemical
analysis findings showed elevated levels of cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL, and immunoreactive insulin. Some children had elevated
levels of TSH and cortisol. CIG results showed changes in brain biological and electrical activity and marked prevalence of activity
of subcortical nerve centers (ASNC) in 77 % of adolescents. A month after the treatment with TMT stimulation the number of
adolescents with normal frequency and α- and B-rhythm range increased by 2-2.5 times, centralization index decreased by 2 times
which enabled to decrease hunger, craving for food and the loss body weight by 36%.Thus, TMT stimulation resulted in normal
bioelectrogenesis of the brain and endocrine profile. Alongside normalization of metabolism and body weight loss were observed.
Andrei Averianov has been graduated from The Saratov State Medical University, Russia as Medical Doctor, with the specialty Pediatrics in 1991. Later on he obtained his
post-graduation from State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky of Saratov, Russia with subjects Pediatrics – PhD (1996) and Russian StateAcademy of Postgraduate
Education, Moscow with subject Pediatric Endocrinology (1997). He started working at the Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky in 1996, where he has
continued his research in Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetology. Professor Andrei Averianov is the member of Russian Public Academy of Pediatrics, EPA-UNESPA, The
Union of Pediatricians of Russia.
andaveryanov@mail.ruAndrey P Averianov
Saratov State Medical University, Russia