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International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience | ISSN: 1522-4821 | Volume: 20

July 25-26, 2018 | Vancouver, Canada

Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing



World Congress on

Mental Health and Wellbeing



World Congress on


Parental influence in the process of emotional regulation of children: A cognitive-behavioral view

Carla Izabel Morais Madeira

Federal University of Amapa, Brazil


motion is an effective process that occurs in a parallel and integrative way with cognition and both regulate individual

and social behavior, and can influence positively or not, so regulating emotions is essential for the development of human

beings. This article aims to present parental influence in the process of developing children's emotional regulation in the

cognitive-behavioral perspective. The methodology used was a bibliographical review whose materials were books, articles

available in Scielo database, Bvsaúde; and Pepsic. As results, it was noticed that the interaction between parents and children

is essential for the healthy formation of the child. Parents should pay attention to their own emotions and their interpretations

of their children's emotional manifestations in order to listen to their children's experiences and assist in solving problems.

It is pointed out that the development of empathy is stimulated by parental practices aimed at communication and the

encouragement of problem-solving, expression and emotional regulation. In this way, it is in the contact with the caregivers

that the child develops most of the cognitive and behavioral repertoire. In this sense, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aids in

the modification of dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors, making possible the use of coping strategies more appropriate to

parents and, therefore, in the child. Cognitive behavioral techniques such as cognitive restructuring and social skills training

are essential. Therefore, the management of emotional responses in an appropriate way is related to good social adjustment,

while the difficulties of the management are related to a social maladjustment by the children.


Carla Madeira completed her graduation at age 22 at Faculdade Estacio de Macapa and is currently specializing in Collective Health, in the area of Adult and Elder-

ly Health, through the Post-Graduation Program in Multiprofessional Residency of the Universidade Federal do Amapa (UNIFAP). In addition to being a Resident

Psychologist at UNIFAP, Carla is a Researcher at the Amapaense Institute for Research in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy since 2016.

Carla Izabel Morais Madeira, IJEMHHR 2018, Volume: 20

DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C3-018