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International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience | ISSN: 1522-4821 | Volume: 20
July 25-26, 2018 | Vancouver, Canada
Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing
World Congress on
Mental Health and Wellbeing
World Congress on
The negative effects of extrinsic motivation on organizational emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is an emergent topic. However, few studies have tested its relationship with motivation at
work, which remains unclear. In particular, the effects of extrinsic motivation on emotional intelligence are under-investigated.
The Organizational Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (ORG-EIQ) and the Work and Organizational Motivation
Inventory (WOMI) were administered to 486 Italian employees. In testing the relationship of emotional intelligence with
motivation, we used a new Italian model that includes self-awareness; self-management; social competency and relationship
Findings suggest that intrinsic motivation dimensions add a significant percentage of variance, in addition to variances
due to extrinsic motivation with respect to emotional intelligence.
The results highlight the negative association of extrinsic motivation with relationship management
in particular. New research and intervention perspectives are suggested.
Javier Fiz Perez Ph.D., Psychotherapist, and Professor of Psychology at the European University of Rome, where he cooperates also as Delegate for the International
Research Development. He is Co-Director of the Laboratory of Applied (Business and Health Lab). He’s a Member of the Advisory Board of the Academic Senate
of the Accademia Tiberina. Professor Fiz Perez is the Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of The International School of Economics and Ethics (Italy) and
collaborates with the International Academy for Economic and Social Development (AISES) of which he has been Vice President for Spain and Latin America. He
is also the Scientific Research Director of the European Institute of Positive Psychology at Madrid (IEPP).
javier.fizperez@unier.itJavier Fiz Perez
The European University of Rome, Italy
Javier Fiz Perez, IJEMHHR 2018, Volume: 20
DOI: 10.4172/1522-4821-C3-016