Page 63
Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)
J Nov Physiother
ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal
Physiotherapy 2017
November 27-29, 2017
November 27-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE
International Conference on
What are the factors influencing the community integration of patients following spinal cord injury:
A systematic review
Muhammad Kashif
Riphah International University, Pakistan
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a high cost disabling condition, which brings a huge number of changes in individual’s
life. A traumatic SCI is one of the most dramatic injuries a person may experience. Traumatic SCI has great influence on
individuals’ life and their families. Unfortunately, situation for Person living with SCI is not favorable in developing countries.
Due to lack of basic health facilities in developing countries including Pakistan, no special considerations are given towards
rehabilitation of physically disable people.
This systematic review was carried out to identify and evaluate the factors associated with community reintegration
of patients after Spinal cord Injury, to critically assess and evaluate the quality of included studies, to investigate and document
the evidences related to the factors accountable for community reintegration after SCI and to make recommendation for the
further improvement in practice area to handle the factors influencing the community reintegration following SCI.
Databases including AMED, BIOMED central, Cochrane Library, Medline, Psycho INFO, PubMed, Science Direct,
Scirus and Wiley Online Library were searched. The methodological quality of included studies was analyzed by using
McMaster university tool and Thomas tool.
11 articles that addressed the research questions were included in the study. The evidence extracted from included
studies was classified into four groups; health related barriers or facilitators, environmental related barriers or facilitators,
psychological barriers and social barriers that are associated with community reintegration of SCI individuals.
This review approves that there are more barriers in the form of health related issues, personal and environmental,
psychological and social that hinder the community reintegration of SCI subjects as compared to facilitators. Most studies
notified special challenges related to environment in the sense of accessibility of home and public buildings and transportation.
Restraining barriers, which are related health, environment, and psychological and social factors, can enhance community
reintegration of patients suffering from SCI.
Muhammad Kashif is an Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy and Principal at Riphah College of Rehabilitation Sciences, Riphah International University
Faisalabad Campus. He has more than 9 years of clinical and academic experience as a musculoskeletal/Community-based physiotherapist working in hospitals,
INGOs and academics settings. He currently works full time as an academic/researcher. His research focuses on the community-based rehabilitation, orthopedic
manual physical therapy, advanced clinical reasoning, disabilities, systematic review and evidence based practice. He has published over 10 research papers as an
author and co-author in different national and international scientific journals and presented his findings in conferences. He is also a reviewer for academic journals.
Moreover, he supervised many research projects of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
kashif.shaffi@gmail.comMuhammad Kashif, J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:6(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-020