Page 32
Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)
J Nov Physiother
ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal
Physiotherapy 2017
November 27-29, 2017
November 27-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE
International Conference on
Aquatic physiotherapeutic intervention on the balance of healthy elderly
Maria de Lourdes Oliveira Vilela Garcia
International Halliwick Association, Brazil
his presentation deals with the fear of falling, which often afflicts the elderly and is related to the reduced functioning of
their balance (the visual, vestibular, somatic and sensitive systems). These systems can be influenced by specific aquatic
physiotherapeutic methods and can also benefit from immersion. This study aims to identify scientific works which prove the
effects of aquatic physiotherapy in improving balance in healthy older people. It concludes that certain methods of aquatic
physiotherapy, when adequately applied, are important in promoting a satisfactory response in these people`s balance.
Maria de Lourdes Oliveira Vilela Garcia has graduated in Physiotherapy and is a Specialist in Aquatic Physiotherapy. She has received her Post-graduate in Aquatic
Physiotherapy in Vallens-Switzerland and another Post graduation in Physiotherapy Applied in Neurology in Goiania, Brazil. She is a Member of IHA Executive
Committee and International Instructor of the Halliwick Concept and Bad Ragaz Ring Method. She has also written an article on aquatic physiotherapeutic
intervention on the balance of healthy elderly. Presently, she has been working in the area of aquatic physiotherapy, on rehabilitation and habilitation of neurological,
orthopedic, rheumatologic, geriatric and cardiopulmonary patients.
malu.hidro@gmail.comMaria de Lourdes Oliveira Vilela Garcia, J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:6(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-020