Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)
J Nov Physiother
ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal
Physiotherapy 2017
November 27-29, 2017
Page 18
November 27-29, 2017 Dubai, UAE
International Conference on
Elastic resistance exercises in physiotherapy
ecovery process after different illness or injuries to a normal life is very long and difficult process, in which participate
and cooperate many professionals-physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists, trainers, conditioning specialist
etc. In different stages of recovery process many procedures are used, special treatment interventions, most popular recovery
techniques like hydrotherapy and massage, stretching, also nutrition-intervention, etc. Important role in recovery procedure
play strength training and conditioning. To achieve optimal recovery result, therapy and/or training must be carefully planned
and functional establish. As a very beneficial procedure, functional elastic resistance training with Sanctband, which can be
optimally dose in and adopt to all stages of recovery procedure. Sanctband resistance training can be used not only like typical
strengthening training, but can support recovery process by different ways. Areas, which can be used for elastic resistance
training with Sanctband, as one of most modern devices, will be presented and documented by examples of research. Focus will
be done on demonstration of various workouts and strength training in therapy, endurance training and therapy procedures
to increase muscle stretch and expand the scope of joint mobility, coordination or training exercises, speed ability or training
exercises, exercises to improve stability, general exercises or specific training for sports, exercises for the handicapped, exercises
for children, exercises in pairs or groups and also on water exercises.
Recent Publications
1. Pánek D, Pavlu D and Čemusová J (2012) Water Surface Electromyography. In: Schwarz, M. (Ed.) EMG Methods for
Evaluating Muscle and Nerve Function: 455-470.
Dagmar Pavlu is an Associate Professor on Charles University, Czech Republic and is the Head of Department of Physiotherapy of FTVS. She has received her
Master’s degree in Physiotherapy and Doctor’s degree in Pedagogy and received her PhD (CSc). Further, she earned the degree of an Associate Professor in
Exercise Physiology. She was the President of the professional organization of Physiotherapists of the Czech Republic. She is a Member of Accreditation Board
by Ministry of Health and also a Member of EC of Association of Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine in Czech Republic. She was the Vice-Chairman of European
Region of World Confederation for Physical Therapy. Her current research interests include analysis of the effect of physiotherapeutical methods and she has
altogether 150 publications to her credit.
dagmarpavlu@iol.czDagmar Pavlu
Charles University, Czech Republic
Dagmar Pavlu, J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:6(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-019