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Volume 7, Issue 4 (Suppl)

J Nov Physiother

ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal

Physicians 2017

July 24-26, 2017

July 24-26, 2017 Melbourne, Australia

World Physiotherapists &

Physicians Summit

Influence of wrist and fingers’ positions on median nerve distal latency responses within carpal tunnel

in healthy subjects

Ibrahim M Zoheiry, Mohamed Hussein El-Gendy and Mohamed Magdy El Meligie

October 6 University, Egypt


Hand repetitive occupational motions have been linked with raised incidence of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

which is characterized by deterioration of median nerve function. A change in wrist & fingers position has been associated

with disruption in median nerve function.

Purpose of Study:

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of wrist and fingers position on median nerve

distal latency responses in healthy subjects.


Sixty healthy participants aging between 30 to 50 years from both sexes were randomly assigned into 1 study group.


Measurements of median nerve motor distal latency using nerve conduction study from neutral wrist, 60º wrist

extension and 60º wrist flexion positions, measurements of median nerve sensory distal latency from fingers extension and

fingers flexion positions.


Wrist extension was displayed as the most convenient position as it showed significant difference when compared

with other wrist positions. Fingers extension position was displayed as the most convenient position as it showed significant

difference when compared with fingers flexion position.


Wrist and fingers extension position was the most convenient position for assessment of median nerve. Both

sensory and motor distal latencies were optimized in extension position when compared with other wrist & fingers position.

Also preventing repeated and prolonged wrist and fingers flexion may reduce risk of carpal tunnel syndrome.


Ibrahim M Zoheiry has completed his PhD from Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University in 2009 and Masters in Physical Therapy for Burn and Plastic

Surgery. Currently he is an Associate Professor at Faculty of Physical Therapy, October 6 University and Chairman of Basic Science Department for Physical

Therapy. He has published several papers in reputed journals in addition to various books.

Ibrahim M Zoheiry et al., J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:4 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-015