Volume 7, Issue 4 (Suppl)
J Nov Physiother
ISSN: 2165-7025 JNP, an open access journal
Physicians 2017
July 24-26, 2017
Page 20
July 24-26, 2017 Melbourne, Australia
World Physiotherapists &
Physicians Summit
Doctors’ work for patients, patients work for economy: How your presence changes the 83.1 million
working patients’ health
e are currently living in an era of change, at a speed that challenges adaptation. The devastating side-effects of technology
has impacted the health of patients and industries hiring the work force generation. Today care if provided for 4
generations, (Baby Boomers, Generation X. Gen Y i.e., Millennials and Gen Z). Their health can impact economic health
of a company and a country. Millennials (18-34 year olds) constituted 1/3 of the United States population. The US Census
Bureau says there are currently 83.1 million people between the ages 18-34, of which 90% use social media to connect, work,
and live their lives. Logging over least 9 hours of screen time every day sets the foundation of RSI (Repetitive Stress Injuries)
and effects on MSD (Muscular Skeletal Disorders) such as neck pain, headaches, upper back pain and shoulder pain. This
generation is your most valued market. Millennials have certain distinct characteristics that need to be understood to have a
care with optimal compliance and results. Learning objectives of this presentation are: How to simplify vast knowledge, posture
problems, objectively document change, identify the cause with patient understanding, protocol care for change, and make
a dent in economic health of the patient and a global effect on upper cross conditions in ergonomic and economic market of
your area.
Romina Ghassemi D C has received her Doctorate degree from University of Applied Health and Sciences in 1995. In 2000, she has obtained her Specialty in
Biomechanics and Spinal Correction program. She is helping over 100s of patients to achieve spinal correction. She owns her private practice and her team are
advocates for better posture and health. Currently she is an active speaker on posture awareness and has created line of home care products to help her patients
have better posture. She is an active speaker for Cardinus Group, Port of Los Angeles, Dynamic Safety group. She has been an inventor and holds provisional
patents at US patent office. In 2014, she has received Innovative Award from Medical Trade and Home Health Care for Product of the Year.
Drg@BAX-U.comRomina Ghassemi D C
Romina Ghassemi D.C.
BAX-U.com, USA
Romina Ghassemi D C, J Nov Physiother 2017, 7:4 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7025-C1-013