Volume 7, Issue 3 (Suppl)
J Palliat Care Med, an open access journal
ISSN: 2165-7386
Palliative Care 2017
June 21- 22, 2017
Page 30
International Conference on
June 21- 22, 2017 | Philadelphia, USA
Palliative Care & Hospice Nursing
Cynthia Vejar, J Palliat Care Med 2017, 7:3(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7386-C1-008
Statement of the Problem:
In a society that deeply denies death, dying, and bereavement, life becomes intolerable when
people are confronted with their own mortalities, or the mortalities of their loved ones. While this is true at any developmental
stage of life, it is particularly palpable when children are chronically ill because of the faulty belief that death afflicts people
exclusively during their elder years. This leaves chronically ill children, as well as their parents, families, and communities
poorly equipped to handle the emotional, social, and pragmatic implications of their circumstances. The purpose of this study
is to encourage people to recognize that death, dying and bereavement are inevitable transitions, which will assist them when
they and their loved ones arrive at the end of their lives. Additionally, it will enable participants to extend themselves toward
acquaintances, colleagues, and members in the community who care for chronically ill children, since this population runs the
risk of feeling isolated and shunned.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:
A qualitative study was conducted in which108 individuals in the child life
community who practice throughout the US were surveyed in order to glean insight about their experiences in working with
chronically ill children and their families.
The data found that the following themes emerged: Denial of death in general, as well as how denial manifests via
language and support systems, the implications of death (e.g., family dynamics, lessons and perspectives), as well as strategies
families utilize to move forward and initiate closure.
Cynthia Vejar has done her PhD in Counselor Education from Virginia Tech, and has professional counseling experience in various settings, including Hospice. She has
worked in academia for over ten years, and is currently the Assistant Coordinator of the Counseling Program at McDaniel College. Lisa Martinelli Beasley has a MPS
from Pratt Institute in Art Therapy and Creativity Development.
Lisa worked clinically as a certified child life specialist and board certified art therapist in children’s hospitals located in New York and Ohio. Lisa has worked in
academia for over ten years, and is currently a Clinical Associate Professor in the department of Family Studies and Community Development at Towson University.
cvejar@mcdaniel.eduCynthia Vejar
McDaniel College, USA